As a real estate agent, your reputation can make or break your business. Christie Murdoch shares seven things that can seriously damage your professional image and what you can do to avoid them.
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You might be surprised at how much time I spend searching for real estate agents and brokers online. Sometimes it’s to find a current avatar to accompany you Inman’s profile. Sometimes it’s because I set up a meeting with someone new who contacted me. Sometimes it’s a follow-up question to a friend of a friend, “Do you know so-and-so?” A conversation with an existing client or colleague.
Here’s the crazy thing about it: a lot of times what I see isn’t that flattering. Maybe I checked the website and there wasn’t a single photo of the agent there. Maybe I looked at a social media profile and saw that it was outdated and seemed abandoned.
Maybe I’m looking for detailed information about an agent and I find five different profiles with five different sets of contact information or even different brokerage and market information.
Other times, I’m not specifically looking for anyone, but I’ll follow someone on Instagram and see off-brand, low-resolution memes on their feed. None of this made them look like the active and dedicated real estate professionals I knew.
In a competitive real estate market where clients and referral partners often only know what they can find online, maintaining a professional image is crucial. As a real estate agent, your reputation can make or break your business. Here are seven things that can seriously damage your professional image and what you can do to avoid them.
1. Old, low-resolution headshots
Your headshot is often the first impression potential customers have of you. Using old, outdated, or low-resolution photos sends the message that you don’t care about your professional image. Invest in a high-quality, up-to-date headshot that portrays you as approachable and capable. Great photos build trust and bring you closer to your customers.
Ontology: Looking for a headshot photographer who works with actors and theater productions. They will be good at helping you project a certain attitude and image.
2. Undesirable organisms
Your resume is an important part of your personal brand. A poorly written resume filled with jargon, abbreviations, or irrelevant messaging can turn off potential clients. Make sure your resume is clear, concise, and highlights your expertise and achievements. Use it to tell a story about who you are and why customers should choose you over your competitors.
Ontology: Avoid clichés that make you sound like everyone else. Yes, we know you care about your customers. But show us what you actually did to change their lives and transactions.
3. No online status
In today’s digital age, no online presence means no existence. Potential customers often search online before contacting you. If they can’t find you or your information is out of date, they may look to someone else. Make sure you have an updated website and active profiles on major real estate platforms. Engage with your audience through blogs, social media and online reviews to build credibility and trust.
Ontology: Google yourself (or ask a trusted friend or colleague to do so) and find out what image you’re projecting. Make sure your free profiles on, Zillow and other portals, as well as your LinkedIn and Google Business profiles, are up to date. Their SEO capabilities often mean they are the first thing that comes up when someone is looking for you.
4. Quotes are poorly organized
Presentation is important, especially when it comes to quotes. If your quote is disorganized, incomplete, or confusing, your client may think you’re unprofessional or don’t pay attention to detail. Take the time to ensure that all documents are well organized, easy to understand, and professionally presented. This shows customers that you are thorough and committed to providing excellent service.
Ontology: If you’re not good at manipulating and organizing PDFs, take a moment to work with an administrative assistant in your office, or ask your training director to schedule a digital briefing session.
5. Outdated or underdeveloped marketing methods
Marketing is a key component of your business strategy. Relying on outdated methods or imperfect marketing materials can put you behind the times. Invest in modern marketing techniques such as social media advertising, email marketing and virtual tours. Keep your materials fresh and attractive to attract and retain customers.
Ontology: While community-based marketing such as school sponsorships and local advertising can be effective, remember that your online SOI has greater reach and potential impact.
6. Outdated brands
Your brand should evolve with your business. Using an outdated logo, color scheme, or slogan can make your business appear stagnant. Review and update your brand regularly to ensure it reflects the current state of your business and is attractive to your target market. Consistent, modern branding helps maintain a professional image and keeps your business relevant.
Ontology: There are some color combinations and fonts that scream 80s, 90s, etc. If you haven’t done a brand refresh in a while, it’s almost certain that the image you project is outdated.
7. Social media containing vulgarity, alcoholism, low-resolution emoticons or other non-brand communication content
Social media is a powerful tool, but it can also be a double-edged sword. Posting content that is vulgar, alcoholic, or contains low-resolution memes can seriously damage your professional image. Always make sure your social media content is consistent with your brand and maintains a professional tone. Share valuable insights, success stories, and engaging content that resonates with your audience while avoiding anything that might be viewed as unprofessional or off-brand.
Ontology: TikTok trends in particular can make you look silly, cheesy, or out of touch with reality. Even if you’re “just having fun,” always evaluate your online content from the perspective of a potential client or recruiter.
Maintaining a professional image as a real estate agent is critical to success. By avoiding these seven pitfalls—stale, low-resolution avatars, poor bios, no online presence, poorly organized offers, outdated or underdeveloped marketing, outdated branding, and inappropriate social media content— —You can build a reputation that attracts and retains customers. Invest in your professional image and watch your business thrive.
Christy Murdock is an author, coach, consultant and owner of Write Real Estate. Follow Writing Real Estate on Instagram and subscribe to Tomato Sauce, a weekly roundup.