Jon Stewart shows how the corporate media fails by coddling Republicans by pretending reality doesn’t exist.
Read: The Republican Presumptive Nominee for President is A Convicted Felon
Stewart played a clip of some media figures claiming there are two realities in the country, and then responded: “No! You’re thinking about the multiverse. We all live in one reality! Litigation over the parameters of said reality may be yours Job – The job of the news media. What the courts are really good at is looking back and reconstructing the reality of what happened, but what they do is they look forward and speculate wildly about the future.
Stewart later added, “You want to ask speculative questions that no one can answer, we’re going to make a show about that. We’re going to cut it down to a half hour and call it ‘Nobody'” [bleep] Know! Get all your polls and horse racing questions out there! Then, using the other 23 and a half hours of the day, the other seven days of the week, you can provide evidence of our shared experience. Because the courts should be the last resort for reality as we define it, not the only option for reality as we define it. So listen, media: We’re going to give you a gavel, and you can look at all the evidence, no matter how boring, and draw conclusions, and then you can come up with those conclusions.
The media acts as if they have stumbled upon a magic formula that allows them to see both sides of reality, acts as if both realities are legitimate, and then shrugs as they elevate a party living in a fantasy land to Equal to most people.
The media has completely abandoned any pretense of a fourth estate accountable to power. This is a corporate-owned industry that spends all its time thinking about how to satisfy the needs of both parties while maximizing profits. The media doesn’t care about reality. Big business owners only care about stock prices and profits. The only way to return the media to its original mission is for news organizations to be seen as public benefit rather than corporate profit centers.
Jason is the managing editor. He is also a member of the White House press corps and a congressional reporter for PoliticusUSA. Jason holds a BA in Political Science. His graduate work focused on public policy, particularly social reform movements.
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Member of Society of Professional Journalists and American Political Science Association