“The Offer Mobile” is traveling through communities in Nashville, Tennessee, bringing Opendoor’s instant offers to consumers’ doorsteps.
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If your customers need to enter details about their home on the Opendoor website to get an instant cash offer (and you happen to be located in Nashville, Tennessee), iBuyer has a solution. Enter “Quote Mobile”.
The company’s new mobile truck, dubbed “The Offer Mobile,” is traveling through Nashville meeting with local homeowners, gathering details about homes and markets and making them offers, proverb reported.
Image source: Opendoor “The Offer Mobile” from Cases on Vimeo .
The idea for the truck was conceived together with independent advertising agency L&C. Offer Mobile simply drives around different neighborhoods and uses Opendoor’s algorithms to analyze data from the local market to help determine a home’s value and make an offer to the homeowner.
With this new campaign, iBuyer aims to show consumers how easy it is to receive instant offers through Opendoor. Currently, The Offer Mobile is only available in Nashville, but may expand to other Opendoor cities in the future.
“We work hard to find surprising and creative ways to educate consumers about how easy it is to sell their home to Opendoor,” said Lauren West, head of creative marketing at Opendoor, in a statement. “You can get an offer in minutes. and sold within days. We’re excited to partner with L&C to showcase the speed and ease of use of Opendoor’s products in an exaggerated, engaging way.
Gian Carlo Lanfranco, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer of L&C, added: “We are extremely honored to be working with Opendoor on The Offer Mobile. We wanted to showcase Opendoor’s best asset: the interface and make it the protagonist of this idea. Offer Mobile is a brand identity that, with Opendoor, can reach any market and communicate how fast and hassle-free home buying and selling can be.
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