Oakland’s crime problem is well documented. They recently replaced traffic signals with stop signs because people stole the copper wire in the signals. Parts of the city look like a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
Things got so bad that when the city recently tried to repair potholes, workers were unable to complete the job because they didn’t feel safe.
How did this happen in American cities?
Fox News:
Auckland neighborhood left with a big hole after crime crisis drives away construction workers
Roads in East Oakland neighborhoods remain pockmarked after construction crews abandoned the repaving project due to safety concerns, according to local reports.
Shari Angarano, a resident of the Sobrante Park area, told the Daily: “He basically said the work was on hold and he couldn’t tell me when they would return because the contractor didn’t feel safe. All projects were stopped.
“They will not restart the project until the City of Oakland can guarantee a safe working environment for them,” she added…
Angarano told KRON 4 San Francisco in an interview that the existing sidewalk was torn up last month in preparation for repaving, but the day crews were scheduled to repave it, they never showed up.
“Every day, every time the bus goes by, more and more gravel and rocks are being kicked up,” she told the outlet. “I did raise the issue with the case manager…what if I get a flat tire? All he could do was ask me to submit a reimbursement request to the city.
Watch the video report below:
A construction worker left Oakland’s streets unpaved due to crime in the city.
Workers refused to continue rebuilding Oakland unless the city could create a less hazardous work environment.
Welcome to the third world. pic.twitter.com/VJUoafZjfi
– End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) June 5, 2024
If residents are unhappy, they should blame city leaders, not workers, for their anger.
The people charged with taking care of this city have failed.