star power rangers Might Find Shapeshifting Easy, But Hollywood Is Finding It It’s hard to change them Enter a new franchise. Filmmaker Jonathan Entwistle has been with the series since 2019, First as a film director then as Overseer of the larger, broader universe.. The expanding universe looks like Netflix series But now that the series is dead, the franchise is back to the drawing board.
TV cable Confirming rumors of a Netflix live-action movie circulating online power rangers Series hosted by Jenny Klein (“Daisy Jones and the Six”, “The Force of Evil”) No longer moving forward in the streamer. As a result, franchise owner Hasbro is currently looking for a new partner to bring the power rangers Back away.
There’s no word yet on how that will go, but Netflix has been fertile ground for the series. This is where fans go to watch the animated series cosmic wrath And, most famously, Bring back the reunion special Most of the original cast. Its decision not to move forward with another, potentially more ambitious iteration doesn’t bode well.
As for Entwistle, he is currently working on karate kida 2025 reboot/sequel to four dramas karate kid Movie starring Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan. We have high hopes for this; maybe once it’s done, he can help bring power rangers Come back in a new and exciting way.
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