Microsoft plans to launch new Copilot Plus PCs next week, removing its controversial Recall feature that intercepts everything you do on these new laptops. The software maker delayed Recall so it could be tested through the Windows Insider program, and the company initially promised to make Recall an optional feature with additional security improvements.
Microsoft said in an updated blog post: “We are adjusting the release model of Recall to leverage the expertise of the Windows Insider community to ensure that the experience meets our high standards for quality and security.” “When Recall is available in the Windows Insider program (preview version), we will publish a blog post with details on how to obtain the preview version.”
This means that Windows Insiders or anyone who purchases a Copilot Plus PC won’t be able to use Recall initially. Earlier today, I wrote in Notepad that Windows engineers were busy testing and implementing security improvements in time for Copilot Plus PC’s June 18 release. Now, Microsoft has essentially admitted that it needs more time to test Recall’s security improvements.
Microsoft first launched Recall last month as part of its upcoming Copilot Plus PCs, but since then privacy advocates and security experts have warned that without changes, Recall could pose a threat to cybersecurity. A “disaster”. Microsoft last week promised three major updates to Recall, including making the AI-driven feature an optional experience rather than enabling it by default, encrypting the database, and authenticating through Windows Hello.
Recall uses native AI models built into Windows 11 to take screenshots of much of what you see or do on your computer, then enables you to search and retrieve the items you see. An explorable timeline lets you scroll through these snapshots to review what you were doing on a specific day on your PC. Everything in Recall is designed to remain local and private on the device, so no data is used to train Microsoft’s AI models.
Microsoft’s decision to delay the recall comes after Vice Chairman and President Brad Smith testified before the House Homeland Security Committee today. Smith said that as part of its Secure Future Initiative (SFI), Microsoft puts security above all else. “This is even more important than what the company is doing in artificial intelligence,” Smith said.
Smith also revealed that Microsoft will make security a mandatory part of its semi-annual review process for all employees. “With this change, cybersecurity will be included in every employee’s annual bonus and compensation,” Smith said.
I reported in Notepad earlier today that Recall was originally created before Microsoft’s big SFI overhaul began. Recall was developed secretly by Microsoft and has not even been publicly tested by Windows Insiders. Microsoft subsequently discovered some security issues with Recall and began developing and testing changes to the experience in recent months. Clearly, more time is now needed to ensure the changes deliver on their promise of prioritizing safety over artificial intelligence and everything else.