This is a follow-up to the article published by Who Counts The Votes on June 12 – “Washington’s 30-day residency requirement for voters was quietly repealed.
Thanks to Who Counts The Votes for helping to expose Democratic Secretary of State (SoS) Steve Hobbs’ disregard for state law through a public records request as the SoS removed the 30-day residency requirement from the voter registration form. This action was taken despite RCW 29A.08.230 – Petitioner’s oath.
November 20, 2023, left-wing organizations Washington State Alliance of Retired Americans A 22-page amendment for declaratory and injunctive relief was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, through the left-wing Elias Law Group, against the Democratic WA SoS and two left-wing counties in King and Thurston Counties auditor.
In addition, this carefully crafted complaint targets homeless people, illegal immigrants, new immigrants, etc., who may arrive in Washington within 30 days after the election. It reads as follows:
The Voting Rights Act (“VRA”) prohibits states from preventing otherwise eligible voters from voting for President and Vice President based on their time of residence in the state prior to Election Day. The U.S. Constitution prohibits such demands in all elections. Section 202 of the VRA clearly states: “No citizen of the United States qualified to vote in any election for President or Vice President shall be deprived of the right to vote . Class Elections. 52 USC § 10502(c).
Washington’s long-term residency requirement deprives eligible Washington voters of the right to vote in their new residence and a say in choosing the elected officials who will represent them in the future.
Washington state law also requires voters to certify under penalty of perjury that they have lived at their current address for at least 30 days before Election Day. See RCW 29A.08.230 (requiring voters to certify on the voter registration form that they meet the state’s long-term residency requirements); WAC 434-230 015 (requiring voters to re-certify on their ballot that they meet the state’s long-term residency requirements). Washington law makes no exceptions for presidential or other federal elections.
And then lo and behold…
On March 15, 2024, a mutually agreed upon court order granted the joint motion for judgment and decree, which provided:
To resolve the lawsuit, the defendants have agreed to sign a consent order under which “registrants will no longer be required to prove under penalty of perjury that they have resided at a Washington address for at least 30 days before the next election.” The consent order sets forth changes the defendants agreed to make to the Washington voter registration form, computerized voter registration applications, and printed and online guidance on voter eligibility and registration.
Fake (agreed) orders are obvious collusion and can be easily seen through – yes… The most obvious is that the “plaintiff” (a biased 501(c)(4) non-profit organization), through the leftist Elias Law Group and the leftist “defendants” SoS, King County Auditor Julie Wise and Ser Orchestrated by Stone County Comptroller Mary Hall…and then rubber-stamped by left-wing judges. Which makes one wonder if unfortunate #13 AG Ferguson knew, or maybe it was his idea…
Hmmm… more laws that Democrats have written for. This is how courts are being used to undermine the integrity of voting systems across the country. A leftist was elected, filed a lawsuit, “fixed the problem” and claimed to have changed the law.
How convenient it is for all the Democrats involved in the deal to create and allow more cheating in our elections. Encourage more illegal voters and create more illegal Democratic Party beneficiaries and bureaucrats.
The order violates state law RCW 29A.08.230 – Petitioner’s Oath. Of course, they know this…or worse, they blindly believe it violates state law and the state constitution, but it doesn’t!
West Wa State Constitution: Article 6, Section 1. Electoral Qualifications. All U.S. citizens eighteen years of age or older who reside in the state, county, and precinct thirty days before the election in which they propose to vote…
Get a clue. RCW 29A.08.230 Statutes and Oaths are state laws that provide:
For all voter registrations, registrants should sign the following oath:
“I declare that the facts on this voter registration form are true. I am a United States citizen, I will reside at this address in Washington for at least thirty days before the next election in which I vote, I’m at least sixteen years old. I am not disqualified from voting by court order, and I am not currently serving a full term of incarceration under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections for a Washington felony conviction, and I am not currently incarcerated for a federal or other state incarceration. conviction.
The Democrats misrepresented RCW, who correctly said: “I will reside at this address in Washington State for at least thirty days prior to the next election in which I vote.”
Here is the “pre-deletion” wording on the old version of the SoS on the voter registration form:
I declare that the facts on this voter registration form are true. I am an American citizen, I will reside at this address in Washington for at least thirty days before the next election in which I vote, I’m at least sixteen. I am not disqualified from voting by court order, and I am not currently serving a full term of incarceration under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections for a Washington felony conviction, and I am not currently incarcerated for a federal or other state incarceration. conviction.
Here is the new SoS “after deletion” wording on the form:
I declare that the facts on this voter registration form are true. I am a U.S. citizen, resident of Washington State, and I am at least sixteen years of age. I am not disqualified from voting due to a court order, and I am not currently serving a full term of incarceration under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections for a Washington felony conviction, and I am not currently incarcerated for a federal or other state incarceration. conviction.
Why do the Democrats adopt such a strategy?
It now appears that Dem SoS Hobbs violated state law by removing residency language from the voter registration form.
Hobbs could have implemented a simple remedy: Create a special federal ballot covering only the presidential race for people who moved to Washington from another state within 30 days of the election. This would be consistent with Article VI, Section 1 of the State Constitution. 1 and RCW 29A.08.230.
Other states have registration deadlines to confirm voter eligibility for good reasons, including to help eliminate fraud.
This Democratic collusion now makes it impossible to confirm eligibility if there are no residency requirements or registration deadlines for anyone hoping to vote in the Washington election. Now, anyone can come to Washington on Election Day and register and vote in our elections. Since there’s no time or way to verify a voter’s identity, this is a great way to cast a virtual ballot…
It’s obvious to anyone with a brain and done the research that if the left stopped cheating in our elections, Republicans and Conservatives would start winning elections and flipping seats. For the few legitimate Democratic officials (yes, there are some), their margin of victory will shrink unless they continue to cheat…
That fact led the Democratic National Committee to announce $2 million to state parties in 11 non-battleground states just months before the November election. The Democratic National Committee said spending in Maryland, Texas, Colorado, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota, Utah and Washington state “Unprecedented investment.”
This is just the beginning and their strategy is very clear. We are seeing what former Democratic operative David Spring said would happen in WA coming to fruition – see my interview and article Exposing the Democratic National Committee’s plan to rig the 2024 election – former WA Democratic operatives blow the whistle to the Democratic Party.
Another way Democrats are cheating in Washington state elections is through blatant gerrymandering. Most recently, left-leaning Judge Robert Lasnik of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington ordered redistricting maps widely supported by Democrats, adversely affecting a dozen Republicans and one Democrat. The adopted map redraws several Republican incumbents ahead of the 2024 election.
After nearly a decade in the state House, Republican state Rep. Gina Mossbrook (Kindale) has announced she will not seek re-election in the fall. Why? Democratic operatives successfully redistricted LD 14 in favor of Democrats. Gina: “If you look at the map, you’ll see that there are these beautiful squares in the puzzle. But there’s a very intentional claw, like a clawed arm, that literally grabbed my house and pulled me On the 17th instead of the 14th.
The Democrats’ blatant law and collusion has abused the courts, undermined the integrity of our electoral process and democracy, and made it impossible to create and maintain accurate voter rolls! But of course, that’s their goal.
Western Australia needs an orderly voting registration process. Our goal is to get state legislators to pass meaningful election reform laws that require all counties to stop using imaging/scanning and tabulating machines to count votes and return us to the true “gold standard” of vote counting: same-day, in-person voting ID Documentation, hand counting at local polling stations before paper ballots are allowed to leave the polling station, and mail-in voting are the exception, not the rule.
Another step in taking back our government is to eliminate corruption and elect better people (real conservatives) who will put their egos aside, be team players, and truly abide by the U.S. and state constitutions. It starts with quality candidates who are qualified for the position. Candidates must also work hard and have a realistic ability to win.
Please vote in the upcoming primary election on August 6, 2024, and general election on November 5, 2024. Civilization depends on it!
Bill Bruch is the Election Integrity Chair of the WA Republican Party, WAGOP Executive Committee member, four-term Skagit County Republican Party Chair, citizen journalist, blogger, business owner, 2021 Civic Event of the Year awarded by the 2020 WA State Capitol Olympiad Award candidate, former Council member and WA 2016/24 RNC National Convention delegate.
Related articles and links:
30-day residency requirement for Washington voters quietly lifted
The Democratic National Committee is investing $2 million in 11 non-battleground state parties targeting the next ballot — an investment the Democratic National Committee says is the first of its kind