If you live or work in Beverly Hills, you may need seismic retrofits if your building was built before 1978.
According to recent data on 229 soft-story buildings in the city, 42 have yet to be renovated. The buildings are now included in The Times’ search map Track seismic retrofits in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Pasadena and West Hollywood.
Thirteen unconverted buildings are also located in the liquefaction zone, known as the liquefaction zone. The ground may crack During an earthquake.
beverly hills passed renovation plan In December 2018, the targets were soft-story buildings, typically low-rise apartments that house dozens of people and had vulnerable first-floor garages. The city’s plan applies to wood-frame buildings built before January 1978 and has parking underneath the building’s second floor.

In total, about 6,000 buildings in Los Angeles County may need renovations, according to city records analyzed by The Times. Retrofits can strengthen fragile buildings to better withstand the vibrations of an earthquake, reducing the likelihood of the building collapsing or being damaged. Published by The Times in December 2023 Searchable database Data on nearly 17,000 buildings helps readers determine the status of the buildings where they live or work.
Over the past six months, The Times has continued to track the case by requesting public records, sifting through building permits and talking to Los Angeles engineers and residents.
The Times received the latest data for West Hollywood, Santa Monica and Pasadena and added new data for Beverly Hills. Culver City has provided data to The Times, which will be added to the map later.