A new Fox News poll has Trump’s favorite network naming President Joe Biden the front-runner for the 2024 election.
No single poll should be taken as gospel, but Fox News reports:
A new national Fox News survey shows President Joe Biden is the front-runner in a hypothetical matchup with former President Trump for the first time since October, as positive views on the economy gradually rise. Highest level so far.
The key is that independents support Biden by 9 points, which is different from the 2 points they supported Trump in May. While an equal number of independents say leadership (59%) and integrity (58%) are extremely important to their voting decisions, they are 23 points more likely to say Biden has integrity than Trump does Strong leaders, only 11 percent.
Biden’s support is growing among independents, African Americans, women and seniors. Trump remains strong among men, rural voters and white evangelical voters. In other words, Trump’s base has remained the same over the past eight years.
What’s driving Biden’s growth among independent voters is Trump’s felony convictions. Another poll found that more than 20 percent of independent voters would not consider voting for Trump if he were convicted of a felony.
For months, experts have predicted that poll numbers would change once voters started paying attention to the election. This will still be a very close game. One poll doesn’t change anything, but over the past month or two the momentum has clearly shifted toward President Joe Biden.
Trump has a problem, he appears to lack the campaign infrastructure to expand his base and appeal to different voters beyond those who already support him. If inflation continues to improve, Trump could be out of office by November.