President Joe Biden issued a clear and powerful statement agreeing that domestic abusers should not have access to guns, while Trump, a convicted felon, said nothing.
Biden said:
No one who has been abused should worry about their abuser getting a gun. With today’s ruling, survivors of domestic violence and their families will still have access to vital protections as they have for three decades.
Throughout my career, I have worked to prevent domestic abusers from purchasing firearms and to protect all Americans from the threat of gun violence. Thirty years ago, I authored the Violence Against Women Act, and as President, I strengthened it and provided its highest funding ever. I signed the bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which closes the so-called “boyfriend loophole” that prevents daters convicted of domestic violence from purchasing firearms. I have taken dozens of executive actions to strengthen gun safety and end gender-based violence.
Vice President Harris and I remain deeply committed to ending violence against women and ensuring Americans are safe from gun violence. We will continue to call on Congress to further strengthen support and protections for survivors and take action to stop the epidemic of gun violence that divides our communities.
It shows how little the man who was found responsible for the rapes in civil court and also convicted of 34 felonies didn’t care about the safety and well-being of others that he wouldn’t even mention it was a good idea. Denying access to guns to those who commit domestic violence.
Trump was apparently so worried about upsetting the National Rifle Association that he had to avoid a Supreme Court ruling that it was legal to ban people with domestic violence from getting guns.
Joe Biden cares about people. Donald Trump doesn’t even try to pretend to feel the same way.