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The New York Times fired a nuclear weapon from space late Friday afternoon on the presidential campaign trail for presumptive Democratic nominee and now-President Joe Biden, when its editorial board shockingly asked him to drop out of the race.
It was a desperate and almost unprecedented move. After all, The Times is not just a newspaper of record but a veritable mouthpiece for all things left saying that Biden should not be president again.
Of course, Republicans could be forgiven for gloating about this, but as a wise man once said, be careful what you wish for, because the Gray Lady could be on to something here. In fact, it might be the only thing that can sink Donald Trump.
New York Times editorial board calls on Biden to withdraw
As the fallout settles for Biden, whose debate performance was arguably the worst in the history of the English language, Trump has never seemed more inevitable. The television doublet between his confidence and Biden’s confusion is constant.
The polls also look pretty favorable for Donald.
That’s why The New York Times decided to roll out this unprecedented “Hail Mary” pass in an attempt to oust President Biden, despite objections posted on social media by Democratic heavyweights Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.
There is reason to believe that such a plan might work.
Of course, Democrats don’t have a large pool of quality candidates to choose from. In fact, if Biden exits the stage from the right, Jefferson and Jackson’s one-time party will likely be stuck with Vice President Kamala Harris. But even that might be an improvement.
The presidential debate showdown between Biden and Trump is an unprecedented holiday
While polls do show the vice president is one of the few less popular than Biden or Cholera, she’s not mentally and physically broken at this point, and the historic nature of Harris’ potential candidacy could make things so. More intense.
There is no question that millions of Democrats would be most willing to rally around the banner of women of color and fight back against what they see as the racist evil of Donald Trump.
Honestly, at this point, almost anyone would be more excited for left-leaning voters than to see Biden’s talent and second-term chances lost to age and poor performance.
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There are other options. Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer look like fresh young braggarts against a Donald Trump who is almost as old as Biden, even if It’s Andrew Cuomo who dusts off, and his coronavirus sins can be forgiven if it means a chance to thwart Trump.
So, yes, the Times editorial board has a valid point. Replacing Biden may be the Democrats’ best chance of retaining the White House, but there’s a slight problem.
The Democrats have been the party of Barack Obama since defeating Hillary Clinton in 2008, and with Biden now serving his third term, any replacement must continue that position .
So, yes, the Times editorial board has a valid point. Replacing Biden may be the Democrats’ best chance of retaining the White House, but there’s a slight problem.
That may be what Kamala Harris is willing to do, but the Newsoms, Whitmers, and Cuomos of the world have their own ideas, their own advisers, and senior policy experts. In short, if one of them wins, Obama may actually have to retire.
That’s not going to happen, at least not this time. In this famous photo from eight years ago, angry Obama followers solemnly watched Trump ascend to the White House, and they would not loosen their deadly grip on power.
So while the New York Times may be right in its assessment that the best way to stop Trump from returning to engagement at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is to get new blood on the ticket, don’t hold your breath.
This is good news for Donald Trump and the Republican Party, as Biden is now likely to be the weakest presidential candidate in 40 years, and unlike Jimmy Carter, he is also a senile time bomb.
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Does anyone really, sincerely believe that Grandpa Joe can make it through another 19 weeks without another “I fell down and I can’t get up” moment, or twice, or ten times?
Democrats face a two-pronged split today, but even as The New York Times, which once had the power to make such a vote change, points to the path not taken, Joe Biden’s well-worn path still appears to be the most likely route.
The Democrats held no primaries and kicked no tires. A Biden-Trump showdown was what they wanted, and now they’re getting it, good and hard.
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