Over the past thirty years, Magic: The Gathering As a card game, it’s becoming more and more complex – from new mechanics and formats, to contemporary rotations of cards playable in these formats, we’ve done a lot to change the game, even as method of sales. before you even try to keep up Release regularly, or crazy special collaborations with other franchises. But now, the Wizards have realized that the game itself may need to take a breather and lay the foundation for its future.
With the release of this November Magic: The Gathering – Basics. Announced this week at MagicCon in Amsterdam, Base will serve as a stepping stone into the game’s near future, offering a series of new cards and reprints that will become the new legal lineup for the Standard format game for at least the next five years (until 2029). , you don’t have to worry about cards that will no longer be accepted in most competitive formats any time soon. but Base Also designed to help players fully immerse themselves in the game rather than just play the game, it includes long-running characters from various countries magic Legends and essential cards from the many planes and sets that have made up the game over the past few decades, introducing concepts, settings, and themes in an easy-to-read format.
It’s a move that makes sense, as more and more people are finding themselves interested in the game’s quirky crossovers, such as fall out, doctor who, Lord of the Ringsand more – and with even more On the road, there are always new audiences to potentially reach magic first. This set will make it easy for anyone to get into it for years to come, while also giving competitive players a new standard for strategizing and deck building, without completely sweeping away the game at this point.A good way to set it up magicThe future for the next few years…or at least until the successor starts Base became necessary, that is.
Magic: The Gathering – Basics Scheduled to be released on November 15, 2024.
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