Temuera Morrison wants Boba Fett to ‘steal’ a future episode The Mandalorian. Elizabeth Debicki talks about her Maggie Xin The ruthlessness of character. cast and crew tornado Get a behind-the-scenes look in a new featurette. Plus, get a peek behind the scenes at Netflix piece Return of the movie season 2.

ring of fire
George R.R. Martin hints he may be involved in rumors ring of fire movies in a new way Blog article.
Oh, and about those things you may have heard about based on ring of fire…I have nothing to say. Not a word, not a thing, not a thing, I know nothing, you’ve never heard my voice, mom mom mom. What rumor?
magician 3
In her recent appearance in jessie cagle show (via comic book), Bette Midler confirms Disney is ‘very softly’ discussing possibility of third trick Movie.
Now, they’re talking about a third one, very cautiously and very gently. they are. They are talking about the third one. The second time was a huge success.
Maggie Xin
in conversation Screen roarElizabeth Debicki said her character, Liz Bender, bonded with Maxine over their “shared ruthlessness”.
I feel like a big part of Liz Bender’s character is trying to reach her goals because her vulnerability is about not wanting to lose her footing. This is a very real thing in Hollywood because. It’s an overused saying, but sometimes there’s a feeling that you’re only as good as your last job, so she realizes that.
I think she saw something in Maxine like that line in the movie when she asks Maxine if she’s heartless. I loved that speech that Dee wrote, and I loved the idea of two women united by their shared ruthlessness and unapologetic self-awareness. I guess I can imagine that if you were a director and you wanted to make “Pilgrim II,” you would be looking for someone to walk into the room who was completely different than everyone else, but wouldn’t satisfy you. [Someone] Who will do something raw, authentic, and surprising.
Frankly, I feel like Mia does that in the movie. I feel like this movie has a lot of references to life, and frankly, I think that’s what Mia does in these three movies. She’s ruthless, but her raw work is stunning.
Avatar 3
Actor Joel David Moore confirms he’s filming Avatar 3 in a new Instagram postal.
Returning to Wellington, New Zealand is always nostalgic. I’ve been coming here for 17 years to make this series, and seeing familiar faces, friends, and hard work makes it feel like a home away from home at the moment. The family continues to grow, but the workflow and mission remain the same. thanks to my #avatar Family, can’t wait for you to see what happens next! (The last photo is my memory of Sig Sam M Rod and our amazing New Zealand team 17 years ago) 🙏
cast and crew tornado Get a behind-the-scenes look in a new featurette.
long legs
a new one long legs The trailer touts its 100% Rotten Tomatoes score.
A woman was turned into a stray after she was bitten by a stray dog while searching for her missing pet. cat people in trailer booger.
welcome to delhi
deadline Randy Mancuso has reportedly joined the cast welcome to delhi Take on an undisclosed but “recurring” role.
The Mandalorian
in a recent interview Yahoo! messageTemuera Morrison says he wants Boba Fett to ‘steal an episode’ The Mandalorian In the same way, Din Djarin and Grogu “stole an episode” boba fett books.
I actually wish my character could come visit The Mandalorian, Mando’s Fortress or something, and then come in and kick some really serious assholes. He just did that, got on my show, stole an episode of my show – so I wanted to do the same thing.
Venus Prime by Arthur C. Clarke
type It has also been reported that Jonathan Frakes will direct the six-episode adaptation Venus Lord Canadian Television.
Monster No. 8
according to Crispy roll, Monster No. 8 has been officially renewed for a second season.
The second season has also officially started production piece.
doctor who
Finally, Russell T. Davies promises that Mrs. Flood’s identity will finally be revealed in this year’s “Joyland.” doctor who Christmas is special.
Want more io9 news? Find out when the latest news is released Miracle, Star Warsand StarCraft Release, what’s next? DC Universe in Movies and TVand everything you need to know about the future doctor who.