Larry Sabato, a Trump-hating pollster known for his campaign “Crystal Ball”, said on CNN earlier today that the tension between Biden and Trump The race is no longer close, and the poll numbers he’s seeing are “not good” for Biden.
The interview came after Stephanopoulos’s interview (which went poorly) saw Sabato admit that a good interview wouldn’t save Biden or his campaign.
The reason these comments are really upsetting to Democrats is because if there was any silver lining here, any ray of sunshine, Sabato would point to it, but there’s no good news for Democrats.
As Sabato said, this is bad.
Transcript from Real Clear Politics:
Larry Sabato: I don’t think [President Biden] One interview can make a difference. I guess you would say hemostasis, and the bleeding was severe. I mean, we’ve been looking at all the data that comes in, all the investigations – some are public, some are private – and it’s terrible. Democrats need to understand that things are not stable and no longer close. The race between Biden and Trump is no longer close.
Take the four polls from last week, including the CNN poll, and everyone agrees that even when the polls are doing well, which is rarely seen, Biden may actually be tied, maybe Two points behind Trump, but now — at least unanimously in these polls — six points behind. That’s millions of voters. What can restore them to their original state? A good interview, a good rally? hurry up.
Watch the video below:
Larry Sabato: “The race between Biden and Trump is no longer evenly matched”
“Biden was even two points behind Trump, but now in these polls… he’s six points behind. That’s millions of voters.”
— RCP Video (@rcpvideo) July 5, 2024
The Democratic Party is in a terrible situation, and there is no solution.