Rasmussen’s chief pollster Mark Mitchell joined Dave Brat on The War Room on Saturday to discuss the latest polls from the Democratic presidential race.
Mitchell doesn’t have any good news to share with Democrats.
Joe Biden’s numbers have been solid. He is losing to President Trump. But Kamala Harris and Gov. Gavin Newsom are polling even worse in the presidential race than Joe is doing for Trump.
Mark Mitchell: This actually has nothing to do with Joe Biden. Fifty-seven percent of voters said his thinking was becoming less sharp as time went on, even heading into the debates. Only 34% said no. But people know the media is covering it up. Sixty percent of voters said it was at least somewhat likely. The media is helping to cover up evidence of President Biden’s declining mental acuity. Now, the media has lost a lot, a lot of trust, but they still have a lot more trust in the Democrats.
Now, we all know that the media has cast their fortunes on the establishment candidates, and I think that’s what’s worth paying attention to.
If you ask me about the race right now, honestly, there’s no Democratic candidate that anyone’s suggesting right now that can beat Trump, come close to beating Trump in our numbers, or even really do better than Biden. But I would say the most prominent ones, like Newsom and Harris, are actually polling worse for Trump than Joe Biden. The reason is because of the Democratic Party. In fact, Democrats have less favorable views of Harris and Newsom, while independents or Republicans have very similar favorable views of Biden.
This is devastating news for Democrats.
The next few weeks should be very interesting!
By Midnight Rider.