In her statement, Melania Trump called for the country to be unified, even though she and her husband have divided the country for years.
The absent former first lady said in a statement:
A monster who viewed my husband as a dehumanizing political machine sought to inspire Donald’s passion — his laughter, his intelligence, his love of music and his inspiration,” she said. “The core aspect of my husband’s life – his human side – was buried beneath the political machine. Donald, a generous and committed man, has seen me through the best of times and the worst of times.
As we move beyond left and right, beyond red and blue, we all come from passionate families fighting for a better life together, and here we are, in this earthly realm.
Dawn comes again. Let’s reunite. Now.
Melania Trump, who didn’t attend any of her husband’s court trials or the 2024 presidential debates, now wants the country to believe she adores her husband.
It was awesome to see Melania Trump rush to her husband’s side after he was hit by the teleprompter glass. Wait a moment. But that never happened because she didn’t attend the rally. Melania Trump did not participate in her husband’s campaign.
Melania Trump spreads birther conspiracies and joins forces to divide the country, so she shouldn’t expect the country to come together when someone predictably takes a shot at her husband who divides the country.
No political candidate or supporter should be the victim of violence, but expecting the United States to ignore everything the Trump family has done to create the current political climate is asking too much.