Trump appeared to fall asleep during both a speech by his son, Donald Trump Jr., and a speech by his running mate, J.D. Vance.
CNN (CNN) caught Trump looking like he was sleeping during Don Jr.’s speech:
sleepy don
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) July 18, 2024
Trump may have dozed off during his running mate J.D. Vance’s speech:
The most relatable Donald Trump ever
— Armand Domalevsky (@ArmandDoma) July 18, 2024
The Trump campaign claimed that Trump didn’t sleep during the first night of the convention, but there was plenty of visual evidence that Trump appeared to doze off.
The media continues to trumpet Biden’s abilities, Democrats continue to try to undermine their nominee, and Republicans are perfectly fine with a convicted rapist who can’t seem to stay awake at his own convention.
Republicans have been providing cover for Trump, but Trump still has not released any medical records or information about injuries he sustained in the assassination attempt.
There do appear to be issues with Trump’s health, but don’t expect them to ask any questions about Donald Trump’s condition now that the media has identified Biden as a storyline in the 2024 election.