Apple released the first public beta of iOS 18 on Monday, more than a month after the tech giant announced the software at its Worldwide Developers Conference in June. Apple says the update will bring many new features to iPhone, including Lock and hide certain apps. This update also puts Safari’s Find on Page search feature in a new, easy-to-find location so you don’t accidentally send web pages to friends or family.
Prior to iOS 18, if you wanted to use Find on Page to search for a word in the Safari app on iPhone, you had to click the Share button (the box with the arrow) in the menu at the bottom of the page, then click on the page Find it on . But you might accidentally send the page to someone else, another app, or even post it on social media. In iOS 18, Find on Page can be found in a new location away from the Share button, so you don’t make this potentially embarrassing mistake.
read more: Everything you need to know about the iOS 18 public beta
However, iOS 18 is still in beta, and we recommend only downloading the beta version on a device other than your primary iPhone. Since this isn’t the final version of iOS 18, the update may be buggy, and battery life may be short, so it’s best to keep these hassles to a secondary device.
Please note that the beta version is not the final version of iOS 18, so more features may come to your iPhone when iOS 18 is released. Apple says iOS 18 will be released to the public this fall, but no specific date has been set yet.
Here’s how to find “Find on Page” in iOS 18 on Safari.
where to look for on the page
1. Open Safari.
2. Go to the web page.
3. Click the reader icon – it looks like a rectangle to the left of the address bar with two dashes below it.
4. In the new menu, click the icon that looks like a page with a magnifying glass.
Finding on the page works the same as it did in previous iOS versions. Start typing on the keyboard at the bottom of the screen, and Safari will highlight all instances of what you’re searching for. To the right of the search bar (above the keyboard) there are up and down arrows you can click to go to the next instance of the word you’re searching for.
You can also click the magnifying glass to the left of the search bar to open the menu. This menu has two options: match whole words and match case. The default search is a whole-word search, but you can use case sensitivity if you’re searching for something like the last name King (for example, a famous horror author). This way, your search won’t highlight terms like “make” or “get.”
Once done, you can click complete Close the search bar and keyboard.
For more on iOS 18, here’s my hands-on experience with the first public beta, how Remove flashlight from lock screen and how Customize your home screen.
look at this: Getting started with iOS 18: Explore the big design changes