Fans of Apple TV+ shows for all mankind Got some really good news earlier this year. Not only will the show be returning for a fifth season, but there’s also a new show called “ star city In production, telling the story from a Russian perspective. It’s an interesting but very strange proposition. The Russians have already played an important role in this for all mankind. How does it all work?
In a new interview with Collider , one of the show’s producers, Ronald D. Moore, explained it in more detail. “We’re in the writing stages of a spin-off series, which is star city, which is very exciting,” Moore said. “I’m glad Apple got behind the whole concept and did this and told the story from an astronaut’s perspective and how the Russians got to the moon in the first place and what it was like to work on that program.”
Moore went on to explain the differences between the two stories. “Before I started working on this project, I didn’t know much about the Russian space program,” he said. “What they did was very audacious. The spacecraft wasn’t as reliable as ours. They lost a lot of good people because of it. The conditions were tough. They also had things like the KGB hanging out in mission control, so in that You’re dealing with a lot of espionage and Cold War type environments in that particular show, so it’s a familiar story to people watching. Humanity. They knew the Soviets got there first, they knew they had a strong space program in our alternate history, but of course the details how The effect of the show and what it’s like to be a part of the show, I think audiences will be very interested in.
and star city Still in the writing stages, not every detail has been finalized. For example, Moore wasn’t sure how to handle the language barrier. But he did reveal that they have a larger outline of where they want to go in the future. “We have a way,” he said. “We have a general arc. It’s probably not as detailed as when we started for all mankindbut we had a general idea of, ‘Okay, this is the structure of how this is going to play out over a couple of seasons.
Yes, star city Everything next is so critical for all mankind A device that jumps early each season. “I have no idea [how long] The jump will be,” he said. “We know we’re going to travel through time. We’re not quite there yet. It’s still probably a leap of ten years or so. We don’t know if we’re going to be quite there yet. Humanity The jump is or if we try to split them down the middle.
But it’s still a format that works for us and makes it a unique part of this universe. It also allowed their space program to advance. that’s why we do it Humanity, This way you can see progress in big chunks instead of being stuck in a very limited timeframe where not much really changes.
Read more from Moore at Collider Star City, For All Mankind, Star Warsand Battlestar Galactica.
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