this week, StarCraft: Prodigy dropped first trailer its second seasonand it’s full of all kinds of beautiful things StarCraft Action you want – especially if you’re like me Voyager fan. but as A Voyager fanone shot in particular stood out to me: Admiral Janeway, her uniform jacket removed, leaving only high-waisted pants and a gray Starfleet vest.
It’s a ridiculous thing to get your attention, but as a StarCraft Fandom often involves having reactions and emotions to ridiculous things. And yet, here I am: Janeway in a tank top? Oh my God, the damn thing is going to be over. down. big book, That’s “Macroverse” JanewayRipley finds his way out of infected computers via giant virus bug Voyager. it is “The Year of Hell” Janewaylimping through Krynim space, her ship and crew being torn apart around her.
Sometimes, the circumstances surrounding downsizing StarCraft The moment isn’t scary; we’ve seen people casually change their outfits while doing something particularly strenuous on a hot planet. What exactly do Starfleet officers wear under their black and division-colored uniforms? TNG Then the styles kept changing—long-sleeved sweats, tank tops like Janeway’s, T-shirts, etc. with different design differences——But no matter what is underneath them, no matter what trek Whether it’s the show or the characters, every time you see them, it feels like you’re witnessing something vulnerable, something revealing.
We’ve become so accustomed to what Starfleet uniforms look like – and the occasions for which they are almost always worn – that they have become a symbol of professionalism under pressure, StarCraftof love ability porn. You wear it on the bridge, you wear it in a hail of gunfire, you wear it in the bar, you wear it on away missions, you wear it knee-deep in an iso-chip. No matter the situation, and no matter how unrealistic it may be, Starfleet officers will wear that uniform and do their jobs, watching Like a Starfleet officer. So when you peel back the layers of a uniform, out of necessity or chance, you peel away the layers of mythology surrounding it and reveal something about the man underneath.

Think about Cisco’s messy look at the end “Under the pale moonlight”, in the current interstitial scene, he strips off his uniform more and more until he’s donning an unbuttoned vest, with his command undershirt pulled down to reveal his chest, embodying the confidence he feels in himself throughout a reflection of the moral sacrifices made. or how Picard is first contactThe more serious the situation, the more he strips off, until by the time he confronts the Borg Queen, he’s down to his vest and pants. Rarely do we actually see one of our heroes either in a casual enough situation that they don’t need to wear a full uniform, or so stressed out that they feel like have Peel away parts of them and somehow they leave just as much of an imprint in your mind – like when I saw Janeway wearing that tank top, they were the same to me as this are her different modes or forms.
It’s a small but clever bit of visual storytelling StarCraft It doesn’t happen often – but when it does, it touches something primal inside of you. trek-Love the Brain draws attention to its importance.
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