More than 1 terabyte of data allegedly obtained from Disney’s internal messaging channels has been leaked online by a self-proclaimed “hacker group,” including login credentials, code, images and information about unreleased projects.
An anonymous group calling itself Nullbulge claimed responsibility for the breach, claiming it had accessed the company’s Slack messaging data through compromised computers belonging to Disney employees. “We download and package anything we can get our hands on,” the group said on X, claiming to have obtained “1.1TiB of files and chat messages” from nearly 10,000 Disney Slack enterprise channels. Disney later confirmed wall street journal The matter is being “investigated.”
Nullbulge hinted at possession of the stolen data on July 12, just hours before the Disney Slack archive was leaked.
wall street journal According to the report, the documents contain conversations within Disney about software development, hiring, website maintenance and employee planning that date back to “at least 2019.” according to european playersDetails about upcoming gaming collaborations and unannounced video game sequels via leaked documents are also starting to surface online.
Nullbulge says its goal is to protect artists’ rights and compensation, telling this wall street journal It targeted Disney “because of the way it handles artist contracts, its treatment of artificial intelligence, and its blatant disregard for consumers.”