Aileen Cannon became the first judge to deny a request for a gag order in a Trump case, a ruling that could lead to her being removed from the classified documents case.
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CNN reported:
Federal Judge Erin Cannon on Tuesday denied special counsel Jack Smith’s request for a gag order against Donald Trump in the classified documents case, saying the prosecutor’s request “completely lacked substance and professional courtesy.”
It’s not surprising that Cannon declined the request for a gag order. She has been Trump’s No. 1 fan, but at the same time stalled, stalled, and sympathized with every argument made by the president’s lawyers who nominated her to be the current president.
Now things get interesting, as I wrote in the Daily:
Aileen Cannon easily got away with abusing her power and putting an entire county at risk to help Donald Trump. Cannon has been called a Trump puppet, but her actions are harming the country.
With each filing, Special Prosecutor Jack Smith increased the pressure on Erin Cannon. Ultimately, the judge will not be able to browse Smith’s documents.
Jack Smith will eventually appeal to the Eleventh Circuit to have Judge Cannon removed from the case. Cannon’s life hangs by a thread, but the gag order request may be the final straw that causes Cannon to end the case.
Cannon allowed Trump to endanger the lives of law enforcement officers by refusing Jack Smith’s request for limited speech restrictions.
Aileen Cannon has proven herself unfit to hear the confidential documents case and now Jack Smith has grounds for an appeal that could ultimately see her removed.
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Jason is the managing editor. He is also a member of the White House press corps and a congressional reporter for PoliticusUSA. Jason holds a BA in Political Science. His graduate work focused on public policy, particularly social reform movements.
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Member of Society of Professional Journalists and American Political Science Association