Author: eypsn
Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov lashed out at French authorities, saying his arrest last week over accusations of a lack of moderation on the messaging app was “misleading.”In his first public statement since his detention, he rejected claims that Telegram was “some kind of anarchist paradise”, calling it “absolutely untrue.”Mr. Durov was arrested at an airport north of Paris on August 25 and has since been charged with conspiracy to allow illegal trade, drug trafficking, fraud and the dissemination of child sexual abuse images on his website.In a statement posted on Telegram, Durov said that holding him responsible for…
The father of a 14-year-old boy accused of killing four people at a high school in Georgia, USA, has been arrested. Colin Gray, 54, was charged Thursday with four counts of manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of child abuse, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.Authorities have charged his son, Colt Gray, with four counts of murder and say they plan to prosecute him when he becomes an adult.A shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder on Wednesday left two teachers and two students dead and nine others injured.In May 2023, the FBI sent local sheriff’s…
Hunter Biden has pleaded guilty in a federal tax evasion case, appearing to surprise federal prosecutors as they prepare to start a trial on Thursday. Biden has previously denied accusations that he deliberately evaded paying $1.4m (£1m) in income tax between 2016 and 2019.Biden, 54, initially said he wanted to enter what is known as an Alford plea, in which he accepts the charges while maintaining his innocence, but then simply said he would plead guilty when prosecutors objected.After prosecutors read the 56-page indictment against him to the court, the judge asked Biden if he agreed that he “committed all…
Getty ImagesFrance’s new prime minister has had a long career in politics, but Michel Barnier is best known even in his native France as the EU’s chief negotiator during Brexit. His task is to represent the EU in talks with the British government.Mr. Barnier was born in the mountains of Savoie in southeastern France in 1951. He is keen on skiing and hiking. Since his teenage years, he has inherited the tradition of French leader Charles de Gaulle and is a staunch patriotic conservative.As a teenager, he joined the right-wing Union for the Defense of the Republic (UDR) party. To…
WARNING: This story contains distressing details from the beginning.A French woman who was raped by an unknown man more than a decade after being drugged to sleep by her husband has told a court she was horrified when she learned of her abuse.Gisèle Pélicot, 72, gave evidence on the third day of her trial in Avignon, southeastern France, against 51 men, including her husband of 50 years, Dominique . All have been charged with rape.Dominique Pélicot, 71, admitted to police that he derived satisfaction from watching other men have sex with his unconscious wife, according to court documents. Many of…
As modern life moves faster and faster, many people are looking for ways to reconnect with nature and live more in harmony with the world around them. The growing interest in natural and herbal solutions reflects the desire to manage health and wellness in a way that is consistent with natural principles. In particular, the use of herbal medicine to treat pain is becoming increasingly popular as an effective and holistic approach to health. This article explores how herbal solutions, specifically for pain management, can bring individuals into harmony with nature while promoting overall health. The philosophy of living…
AFPMichel Barnier’s name did not surface as a potential candidate until late WednesdayFrench President Emmanuel Macron has appointed Michel Barnier as prime minister, nearly two months after France’s political deadlock in early elections.Barnier, 73, is the EU’s former chief Brexit negotiator who led negotiations with the British government from 2016 to 2019.A veteran of the right-wing Republican Party (LR), he has had a long political career and held various senior positions within France and the EU.He must now form a government that can survive a National Assembly divided into three political blocs, none of which can form an outright majority.known…
Alcohol dependence is a complex disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Chronic uncontrolled drinking of excessive amounts of alcohol can seriously damage your physical and mental health, relationships, and career pursuits. Seeking treatment through a professional alcohol rehab program is your best chance at achieving sobriety. Understanding alcohol dependence Dependence, clinically known as alcohol use disorder or AUD, includes neurological and behavioral components: Neurology: Excessive, habitual drinking does change brain structure and function over time. These complex changes impair self-regulation, causing people to lose control over limiting their intake. Behavioral aspects: As dependence develops, life begins to feel…
Vice President Kamala Harris has agreed to rules for an upcoming televised debate with opponent Donald Trump, including allowing microphones to be muted when it’s the other party’s turn to speak.Ms. Harris’s campaign had previously opposed the silent microphone rule, which was agreed to by her predecessor in the presidential campaign, Joe Biden. Analysts said Ms. Harris’ team believed the rule would benefit Trump.But on Wednesday, both Harris and the Trump campaign agreed to rules for the ground debate set by ABC News.The debate, scheduled for September 10 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, will be the first showdown between the two as…
apalachee high schoolMaths teachers Christina Irimie and Richard Aspinwall were among the four people killedA shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, left four people dead and nine others injured.Officials identified the deceased as students Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo, and teachers Christina Irimi and Richard Aspinwall. The 14-year-old suspect, Colt Gray, was arrested and will be charged as an adult.Here’s what we know so far about the victims of the attack.Mason SchermerhornSchermerhorn was one of two 14-year-old children killed. Friends of his mother told The New York Times that he had recently started working at Apalachee.He is described…