Good morning and welcome to Fox News First, Fox News’ morning newsletter. Subscribe now and get Fox News first in your email. Here’s what you need to know to start your day…
bench press – Biden is already looking to thwart a potential Trump victory and have long-term consequences for the courts. continue reading…
“I deleted that” – Fauci’s top adviser makes shocking admission and apologizes to all Americans. continue reading…
“Moral Bankruptcy” – Today Americans serve as judge and jury, with anti-Semitic terror under the microscope. continue reading…
“The blacklist is real” – The actor says there are a lot of conservatives in Hollywood — they’re just afraid to speak out. continue reading…
ticking sound – Hard-working Americans are pushing retirement accounts to levels not seen in years. continue reading…
Chaos at the border – The White House press secretary sidestepped direct questions about President Biden’s border role. continue reading…
“Opposing interests” – Red states ask the Supreme Court to halt blue state energy influence. continue reading…
swing lead – Polls show Trump pulling away in battleground states. continue reading…
mouse apple – New York City Mayor Eric Adams plans a summit to address an out-of-control rodent problem. continue reading…
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protect and serve – As police take refuge in Idaho, the blue line grows thinner in West Coast states. continue reading…
Ouch – VP was mocked for her verbal salad during brutal late night skit. continue reading…
super commute – Man reveals how hard he goes to get a fair wage. Is it worth it? continue reading…
“We’re trapped” – James Comey slams Biden’s Justice Department for being “too slow” to prosecute Trump. continue reading…
A quick question with Dana Perino – Fox Weather Channel’s Adam Klotz reveals the biggest story yet and why he’s going to space. continue reading…
Hugh Hewitt – Morning Glory: The team Trump now needs to outline to get millions of votes. continue reading…
Andy Puzder – Biden’s tax deceit: Our president is at it again. continue reading…
prime time
Laura Ingraham – Democrats are doing “everything possible” to take control of the nation’s judiciary. continue reading…
Jesse Waters – Trump’s visit to the South Bronx drives elites crazy. continue reading…
Sean Hannity – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacts to the arrest warrant. watch video…
Greg Gutfield – White House staff correcting Biden’s remarks may indicate he’s “done.” continue reading…
Other news
fresh powder – Skiers track down suspected hit-and-run skier and file suit over catastrophic injuries. continue reading…
Elvis Presley Manor – Graceland visitor says iconic site should remain in the hands of the Presley family: “part of our history”. continue reading…
American Culture Quiz – Test your knowledge of state birds, state songs, pop stars and politics. continue reading…
Quick effect – Taylor Swift increases demand for air tickets to Europe. continue reading…
Rare snacks – Zoo animals were caught eating double-nested cicadas. watch video…
Bethany Mandel – We need to get the hostages out now. watch video…
Phil Holloway – The judge in the New York v. Trump trial puts his thumb on the “scale.” watch video…
Foss weather
How is the situation near your home? continue reading…
last word
“From day one, the Biden administration has prioritized the left’s demands for diversity and activism over competence and merit.”
——Laura Ingraham
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