The 1993 NVRA Act (National Voter Registration Act) prohibits election officials from removing any elector from the rolls within 90 days of an election (see page 8 below). This is often called a “90-day freeze.”
The Democratic-run Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division (CRD) ruthlessly used this part of the law to defend filthy voter rolls and block any pre-election cleanup efforts.
Democrats support the law because they know it allows fraudulent registrations to remain on the voter rolls.
According to NVRA data, conservatives and Republicans until Wednesday, August 7, 2024 Elections department cleans up voter rolls Use batch processes or methods.
It’s hard to believe jurisdictions couldn’t use bulk methods to purge illegal voters during the 90-day freeze period and before the Nov. 6 election. They were unable to match the electoral roll database with driver’s license records, USPS NCOA (National Change of Address), Social Security Death Index, etc.
This has been challenged in court but never to the Supreme Court. It’s time to change this law and fight against it.
The Heritage Foundation explained back in 2014 that the law was intended to freeze “scheduled maintenance activities” for 90 days. This means that there cannot be “general maintenance” or similar “programs” to “systematically” remove ineligible voters. But officials can prohibit registrants from obtaining personal information. For example, notification of a death, a request by a voter to cancel or correct an error, etc.
When the 1993 NVRA law was passed, voter registration was completed entirely by paper forms completed by applicants and usually mailed to jurisdictions. If information is missing or inaccurate, a letter will be sent to the applicant. If there is no response, the registration will be cancelled. This paper registration process is critical to the integrity of our elections. The Democrats know this and have changed the way we register voters in this country.
Arizona was the first state to allow online voting in 2002. Most states adopted the system after 2010, which coincided with efforts by leftist David Becker and the Pew Charitable Trust to reform the system. Their two-part Voter Modernization Plan was rolled out to all states from 2010 to 2012. This requires them to join the non-profit ERIC and, most importantly, implement online VoteReg. This online access allows event groups from anywhere to submit registrations in bulk.
Some states and counties don’t care much about 90-day freezes and don’t remove anyone. They know that if prosecuted, the DOJ CRD will support them.
In 2022, the Texas Elections Network, founded by Melissa Conway, filed affidavits challenging 6,000 voters in Harris County (Houston), Texas. An additional 49 challenges emerged after August 10t The freeze period is 2022. Harris County has not removed any from their list.
Mike Hassinger, spokesman for Brad Raffensperger, said federal law prohibits purging voter registrations within 90 days. Those who do not qualify can only be removed on a case-by-case basis. This thinking allows corrupt election activists to flood our voter rolls before Election Day without any repercussions.
DOJ’s Civil Rights Division consists of 11 different divisions, including Housing, Disability and Voting Rights. The agency is staffed entirely by people representing the Democratic National Committee and left-wing activist groups. It sucks to the core, just watch this great interview with Maureen Riorden.
Years ago, DOJ CRD didn’t want 180,000 non-citizens removed from Florida’s voter rolls, so they sued the state of Florida in 2012. But the U.S. Department of Justice appealed. number 11th A three-judge Circuit Court of Appeals overturned that ruling in 2014.
In 2014, Florida argued The “90-day rule” does not prohibit a state from investigating potential noncitizens and deporting them based on their personal information, even within the 90-day window.
Florida won the case. But the U.S. Department of Justice appealed. number 11th A three-judge Circuit Court of Appeals overturned that ruling in 2014. Indeed, Poll and Judicial Watch tried to join the case as early as 2012, while the RNC took no action.
Common sense dictates that whenever voter registration is open, we will be purging the electoral rolls en masse.
but it is not the truth.
Republicans need to act now. We have less than two months to report fraudulent registrations and request their removal.
If Republicans want to see President Trump in the White House in January—the time to act is now!
Don’t delay! The clock is ticking!
Here’s more on the topic in a previous article.
Republicans must face Democrats’ fraudulent voter registration manufacturing operations and bloated voter rolls to win in 2024
There is no doubt that the key to Democratic voter fraud is voter roll inflation.
That became abundantly clear when the Biden administration dispatched federal agencies to collect registrations.
In February, the Biden White House held a summit specifically with far-left “voting rights groups” to implement a plan to “register” voters.
Democratic lawmakers and Joe Biden also funded dubious far-left groups that recorded tens of thousands of voter registrations and turned them into county clerks in swing states.
Guns, burned phones and fake registrations — the buried Michigan voter fraud scandal: GBI Strategy Director Gary Bell had 70 organizations in 20 states in 2020 — tied to the Joe Biden campaign
Democrats also need to mail in those ballots so they can be completed and collected without review.
Once those ballots make it into the election building or drop box, the game is over.
It is safe to say that the Democratic strategy has two aspects:
- Millions of artificial registrations bloating electoral rolls
- Registered ballots produced by mail
Suspicious ballots are basically “legitimate” ballots that have passed audits. Stopping fraud should focus further upstream.
The bottleneck to Democratic fraud appears to be the bulk return of collected ballots to the system. This is reflected in 2000 Mules. Republicans should work to find ways to prevent bulk ballot delivery. Since registration is now done almost entirely online, they rarely need to be vetted. Requiring registration reviews may be a long-term strategy. It will happen.
Today there are several groups that can identify possible fraudulent registrations. Check My Vote and Omega4America are two such organizations. These groups have been able to identify fraudulent voters and locations of fraud more broadly than Republicans. It’s not clear to this site whether the Republicans have noticed this? We will update this report if we find out that Republicans are concerned about this issue.