Four years ago, we went through blue june. It seems like almost all the big cases at the end of the 2019 OT semester are leaning left. In contrast, the situation at the end of the OT term in 2021 is exactly the opposite. period red juneAs I said, all the big cases seem to go to the right. Troika the bridge, Dobbsand Kennedy It was unlike anything I had ever seen in my life.
OT 2023 seems to be trending to the left, with June looking pretty blue so far.
FDA v. AHMthe Fifth Circuit unanimously reversed. Moore v. United Statesonly Justices Thomas and Gorsuch dissented. United States v. Rahimionly Justice Thomas dissented. Murthy v. Missouri, Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch dissented. (this Now Last night’s headline would have been a useful source of added authority: “Biden officials push to lift age limit for transgender surgery, documents show.”) Based on prematurely released information, moyle Justices Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch dissented, split 6-3. One outlier I’ve seen so far is Garland v. Cargillprompting Justice Sotomayor to read her dissent from the bench.
no matter what happens Network selection This will not be a victory for conservatives. Loper Bright may not be overturned Chevron. The Trump immunity case won’t amount to much other than making it impossible to hold a criminal trial before November. grant pass It could actually make it harder for local governments to manage homeless encampments. Jacques This may be a big decision for the Seventh Amendment, and no one outside of Washington will care. What’s left?
I’m not ready to call it Blue June yet, but we’re moving in that direction.