Huang short
Collectibles are the most searched investment type in the 50 most populous cities in the United States, according to a study by investment platform CyberMetals, and the gold (XAUUSD:CUR) craze appears to be alive and well in the West.
The platform provides a broader survey of investments Landscape found that California leads the top 10 states in online searches for brick-and-mortar investments, with 9,240 searches per 100,000 residents. Followed by Washington and New Jersey.
Of the 50 cities, 13 had the highest searches for collectibles, including three cities in California – Los Angeles, Oakland and Fresno – and two cities in Colorado – Colorado Springs and Aurora.
Online metals retailer JMBullion and CyberMetals, a platform owned by A-Mark (AMRK) precious metals trading company, said 401(k) or other employee-sponsored retirement plans are close behind collectibles in markets including Detroit and Minneapolis. It leads the search volume in eight cities, including Sri Lanka.
Bonds are the most searched for investment type in New York City, while gold bullion is the most searched for investment type in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is one of the cities where interest in “gold bars” is significantly higher than the national average. Three other cities in California (two in Arizona) and San Antonio, Texas, are among them.
Below is a link to the full city list and other results from CyberMetals’ survey, which surveyed 1,004 investors, 60% of whom were from the US and 40% from the UK
Investors interested in exploring gold ETFs can check out these funds, which include: (GLD), (UGL), (BAR), (IAU).