DC Comics announced Batman & Robin: Year Onea new 12-issue miniseries created by writer Mark Waid and illustrator Chris Samnee, will begin airing on October 16th.
The story follows Bruce Wayne as he “adjusts to the reality of adopted orphan Dick Grayson.” at the same time, “A mysterious new crime boss named “The General,” “with the same mysterious connection to Two-Face,” comes to Gotham to take over the city by disrupting and destroying other mobsters. Batman and his new sidekick Robin are searching for answers, but they’ll need to do whatever it takes to navigate the dynamic duo’s relationship as father and son, with Dick Grayson’s present and future hanging in the balance!
In DC’s press release, Wade noted that the miniseries will be more of a Bruce/Dick story than a Batman/Robin story, saying “it takes place only a couple of years after Bruce adopts Dick.” months, Bruce has realized that he has have no idea How to be a father to kids at that age. He had no role models—his own father was long dead by the time he reached Dick’s age. Nothing he’d done had prepared him for this, and Alfred – smart as he was – didn’t have much experience here.
Sumney added, “Dick was nothing like Bruce – impetuous, flamboyant, reckless – but he was also precise; he could stick the landing. He would take orders when they made sense to him, but he was keen to improvise , testing his role as the dynamic duo, the first pages you’ll see will show their actions and reactions as they adventure through Gotham City together. We’re excited for this story to finally be told.
Fatherly love, right? As the synopsis states, the book’s main antagonist will be The General, a Damian Thorne-esque general who is a contemporary of Dick Grayson, who happens to be a brilliant military strategist . Interestingly, the cover of the first issue features many other familiar villains (Catwoman, Joker, Clayface, Professor Milo, etc.), gathered around Batman and Robin, a nod to the opening credits of Adam West’s series pay tribute.
While it’s unlikely these characters will appear in the miniseries, the addition of Tom Hardy’s Bane is an interesting addition. The closest West’s Batman comes to his own version of Bane is Val Johnson’s cameo appearance as the Bard. (Seriously, go back and watch his only two-parter, The Bard’s Rise/Barbeque Batman – where he almost succeeded in leveling Gotham City with an earthquake-inducing lute.)
Let’s see how Waid and Samnee fare portrait of eddie’s fatherWhen the dynamic duo inspired by r. Batman & Robin: Year One It will be available later this year. In the meantime, enjoy the preview below.
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