Soho Forum Director Gene Epstein and Chicago School economist David Friedman debated the resolution, “The Austrian economics of Mises and Rothbard contained important, correct economic intuitions that Chicago School economics lacked.“
Gene Epstein, director of the Soho Forum and former economics and books editor at The New York Times, is positive. Barron’s. His last published book was Economic spinning: How to read between the lines when the media manipulates the numbers. Epstein taught economics at the City College of New York and St. John’s University and served as a senior economist at the New York Stock Exchange.
Supporting the denial is David Friedman, an economist, legal scholar, and theorist of anarchocapitalism, and the author of six nonfiction books and three novels. His most popular book is The Freedom Machine: A Guide to Radical Capitalism.
The debate took place at the Porcupine Freedom Festival in Lancaster, New Hampshire, on June 19, 2024, moderated by libertarian author and Free State Project activist Dennis Pratt.