Global Mind Podcast – Robert Fardon Jr. (Part 2)
Robert Farton Jr.
This week, Professor Robert Fatton, Jr. spoke with Kieran on the Thinking Global podcast (@kieranjomeara) and Edward (@edwarddcurry5) on the international politics of Haiti and Caribbean affairs. In the second of this two-part series, Professor Farton discusses with the team Haiti on the “periphery” of the global economic system, humanitarian intervention, the Caribbean Community and more.
Robert Farton Jr. is the Julia A. Cooper Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs in the Department of Politics at the University of Virginia (@UVA @uva_artsci). He also served as chair of the Department of Politics from 1997 to 2004; and as associate dean of the Graduate School of the University of Virginia from 2010 to 2012. His publications include: black consciousness in south africa (1986); The Making of Liberal Democracy: Passive Revolution in Senegal, 1975-1985 (1987); Predatory Rules: States and Civil Society in Africa (1992); Haiti’s predatory republic: The endless transition to democracy (2002); The Roots of Haitian Authoritarianism (2007); Haiti: Trapped on the periphery (2014); The guise of exceptionalism: Uncovering national narratives in Haiti and the United States (2021). He received the Haitian Studies Association’s 2011 Award of Excellence for “nearly a quarter-century of commitment and contribution to the emerging field of Haitian studies.”
Finally, we have another open letter competition this week. The best entries will be announced on next week’s episode. Please email your answers (no more than 300 words) to the following questions and an introduction to: This week’s challenge aims to answer the following questions: Which is more important, international order or global justice?
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