Google’s upcoming Pixel 9 series will reportedly feature faster, more reliable ultrasonic fingerprint scanners Android Authority. It will replace the optical under-screen fingerprint sensor Google launched on the Pixel 6, using new technology that can read wet or oil fingerprints.
The switch would also address some common issues users encountered when trying to unlock their Pixel devices, with some saying light levels and dry fingers affected the reliability of previous optical readers. Optical scanners are the oldest method of reading fingerprints. They work by shining a flash of light on the user’s finger and then visually detecting patterns and ridges on the surface – meaning any changes such as dirt or imperfections can interfere with the process.
In contrast, ultrasonic sensors read fingerprints more accurately by reflecting ultrasonic pulses off the fingerprint, which also prevents users from being blinded when they need to unlock their phone at night. According to reliable leaker Kamila Wojciechowska, the Pixel 9 will use Qualcomm’s 3D Sonic Gen 2 (QFS4008), the same model found on the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.