A judge has ordered Alex Jones’ assets to be liquidated and sold to pay the $1.5 billion he owes his Sandy Hook family for defamation.
The Associated Press reported:
A federal judge on Friday ordered the liquidation of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ personal assets and is still ruling on a separate bankruptcy case against his company.
Judge Christopher Lopez approved the transfer of Jones’ proposed personal bankruptcy reorganization to liquidation. He will still decide whether Jones’ company, Austin, Texas-based Free Speech Systems, should also be liquidated.
It’s unclear what will happen to Infowars’ parent company, Free Speech Systems.
A judge could also rule that InfoWars must be liquidated and sold.
Jones has been crying on air about having to sell his assets, but the conspiracy theorist has done his best to hide them and avoid paying tribute to the families of the children and loved ones killed in one of the most horrific school shootings in the United States. Payment.
Friday’s ruling was based on Jones’ first personal bankruptcy filing in 2022.
Jones’ financial collapse had been ongoing for several years, but what truly ended his empire of intrigue and lies was the liquidation and sale of his businesses.
Conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones tend to never go away. He will float on the fringes of the dark conspiracy corners of American media, but for the rest of his life, any assets he acquires will be used to pay the innocent people and their deceased loved ones whom he defamed.