Mark Zuckerberg announced on Wednesday that Horizon OS 67 is coming to an experimental feature that will allow Quest users to multitask with up to six virtual windows. Once enabled (by going to Settings, then Experiments, then turning it on), you’ll be able to dock three windows in Meta’s so-called “hinge” layout, allowing you to freely position and resize up to three windows anywhere at once. The size of the window.
This feature is available on Quest Pro, Quest 2, and Quest 3, but it’s especially useful when you’re using Quest 3 in Mixed Reality mode. Augmented reality support is similar to the Apple Vision Pro experience. With the extra windows, Quest owners now have more options and can reportedly move further without losing a window.
There’s also a “Theater View” button that quickly isolates and enlarges any one window while dimming the others. It works with browsers, video players, and other 2D applications and windows in Horizon OS.
Meta has also added a new Horizon Feed section, highlighting content from select creators like A Wolf in VR and SteveKnows. It’s pitched as a more social way to discover new apps and games. You will be able to like posts and share them with your friends.
Other changes in version 67 include swipe typing for easier text entry, QR code scanning to set up Wi-Fi access (Quest 3 only), improved eye tracking performance on Quest Pro, and the ability to set durations. model. If you don’t see the update right away, keep checking back as Meta says this is a gradual rollout.