On June 2, Mexico will hold a historic election, with millions of voters going to the polls. Although two female pioneers, Claudia Sheinbaum and Xochitl Galvez, represent opposite political alliances, the most powerful outcome of the upcoming elections will be for Mexico A heavy blow to male-dominated culture. Mexico not only has a long cultural tradition of masculinity, but it has also fostered an authoritarian regime that is more focused on building the president’s image than solving the country’s problems. Issues like these are what make the upcoming election historic, as it touches on both global issues like climate change and systemic practices that have been a mainstay of Mexico since its independence.
One of the main challenges facing Mexico’s next president will inevitably be with the once-considered charismatic Andres Manuel López Obrador, known to his followers as “AMLO” ”) related to the current authoritarian government. The initial goal of Obrador’s government was to eliminate systemic corruption and organized crime, two sociopolitical problems that affected all organizations in Mexican society. However, Mexico has recently been embroiled in scandal for providing asylum to Jorge Glass at the Mexican Embassy in Quito, Ecuador. Glass faces six years in prison for corruption related to the Odebrecht case. While debate on the issue continues, the fact that the Mexican government granted asylum to Ecuador’s former vice president is the ultimate backbone of a Mexican government that has repeatedly betrayed its mission to root out corruption over six years.
Moreover, Obrador’s six years in government have been riding the wave of populism that is shaping global politics. Obrador has assumed the role of an authoritarian leader, focusing more on what are now considered traditional daily morning briefings (or “mananeras,” as they are called in Mexican Spanish) with the media to speak candidly about national issues, But mostly these are daily tirades defending the fundamental principles of government. Many critics and voters wonder whether the next president will incorporate such daily morning briefings into her agenda, thus drawing attention only to the presidential figure, or whether she will abandon this authoritarian approach and begin the process of redistributing presidential media Delegate authority to other levels of government.
Not surprisingly, climate change and global warming are among the top issues driven by new voters seeking alternative and innovative solutions to Mexico’s systemic problems. From agricultural devastation to water shortages, there has been a clear shift in public opinion in Mexico. Younger generations are slowly shifting from a focus on drug trafficking and state corruption to the global ecological crises that are also affecting countries like Mexico, whose capital is North America’s most populous. Heat and water shortages have had a severe impact on Mexico’s agricultural sector, with millions of people already suffering the consequences.
For example, the price of tomatoes has increased like never before due to global warming and organized crime. Drug cartels are known to charge special fees to ensure the “safety” of agricultural workers during the harvest season. Organized crime has indeed spread its coercive practices to all agricultural sectors in Mexico to the point where drug cartels are considered Necessary conditions Characteristics of the national economic structure. While this phenomenon was already an ongoing problem during the previous regime, this socio-cultural phenomenon has gained systemic status during the Obrador administration. The current regime has implemented a lax approach to organized crime and has abandoned rural Mexico into the hands of drug cartels.
In addition, water shortages are affecting much of Mexico, with the situation in Mexico City becoming a source of this phenomenon. Private companies are already developing projects to respond to the crisis in Mexico City by focusing on urban planning and community needs. However, overexploitation of the Mexican capital’s main aquifer has caused the city’s infrastructure to sink. In addition, overexploitation of aquifers has also led to deeper exploitation, which in turn has increased contamination of the urban aquifer supplies that feed Mexico City’s most populous county. Complaints have been filed about water contamination in residential areas and water insecurity in the city’s most populous county.
However, authorities have yet to determine the cause. The situation has given the water crisis a major stage in the presidential debates. Claudia Sheinbaum, who appeared to be the favorite to win the presidential election in early June, avoided talking about this environmental and infrastructure issue, saying that despite water shortages, Mexico City’s water supply was secure Yes, residents don’t have to worry about this. However, reality has shown a very different picture, with scientists and experts saying that “parts of the city are sinking an average of 10 inches per year, making Mexico City more vulnerable to social risks and earthquakes”. Additionally, water authorities and some experts say Mexico City’s reservoirs could one day be depleted within the next six years.
For decades, Mexico’s political system has languished in the unresolved task of decentralizing political power and infrastructure development from Mexico City. While other major Mexican cities such as Monterrey and Guadalajara have emerged on the national stage in recent years, Mexico City has a monopoly on foreign investment and other funding. Although foreign financial interests support Mexico City’s joining the ranks of global capitals, this financial phenomenon will only intensify the allocation of resources to the capital.
While one of the mantras of this administration is equal opportunity for all, Mexico has fostered cultural cronyism and economic and intellectual segregation as accepted and sanctioned practices at the institutional level. From a public perspective, it is clear that the rise to power of the new party Morena has created the illusion that Mexico’s minorities are now enjoying more invisible forms of power – thus proving that Morena is the most powerful party in society. Reasons for popularity among disadvantaged groups. However, recent research shows that poverty has increased in Mexico over the past six years and that Obradov’s policies have hurt the poor the most. Additionally, domestic and global migration into Mexico’s major urban spaces has fueled xenophobic and populist responses.
Many of Obrador’s critics stress that his “unstable and authoritarian” government is exacerbated by “the fact that he is subverting the institutions that uphold Mexico’s democratic achievements – starting with the country’s admirable independent electoral system” . Many in the public sector expect that whatever the outcome of the upcoming election, the electoral process itself will trigger a wave of violence across the country. The upcoming electoral journey is prefaced by a wave of assassinations of many local candidates. So far this year, “at least 28 candidates have been attacked, 16 of them killed, a number that exceeds even Mexico’s bloodiest past election cycle,” according to data from the research group Data Cívica as of April 1. . In this case, Mexico seems unable to fully engineer the democratic vision that voters expect.
In addition to the above challenges, the next President will have the difficult task of voicing the needs of Mexican women. Additionally, she will lead the search for a new group of political leaders in the historic event of becoming the first female president of Mexico. This is critical to enacting statewide measures to address violence against women in an effective manner and to dismantle drug cartels, powerful actors that impede the deepening of democracy. also, President It will be responsible for attracting foreign investment to develop sustainable energy as a national green energy source. Additionally, as Mexico’s economy grows, the next administration must successfully integrate new generations into the workforce that meets global needs. Finally, the incoming administration will be responsible for designing a sustainable response to global migration into Mexico’s urban spaces, including preparing shelters and responding to this phenomenon through humanitarian and legal strategies.
Further reading on electronic international relations