Star Wars Known for his iconic clothing, but is neither Padmé’s dress nor Han Solo’s blue/brown jacket As infamous as the most revealing outfit worn on screen in the entire series: princess leiaBikini, prisoner clothing forced on captive rebels Jabba the Hutt. Now, clothing Once worn by Carrie Fisher Up for auction, estimated to be as large as the size of the garment.

this start Ensemble Bid 1983 Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi is $30,000 estate auctionwhich the company promotes as “bikini clothing produced by [ILM chief sculptor] Richard miller. It comes with the following: a bikini bra, front and rear “bikini panels,” two hip rings, an armband and a bracelet, all made by Miller and Jedi Counterattack Costume designer Nilo Rodis Jamero.
More details: “The bikini bra was an early version made of rigid resin and was used in production, as can be seen from the eye hook field repairs and glue residue on the inner surface, which was caused by attempts to add material to Makes the Fisher-Price more comfortable even if it’s not a very show-worthy item, it’s still not something you’d wear to the beach…imagine sitting in that thing (the textile part of the garment already, after all! Over 40 years old – all recreational, as are the included wigs).

Visit the Heritage Auction here If you have tens of thousands of dollars to bid on this unforgettable piece, you have until July 25 Star Wars history.
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