More than 50% of Democrats want to replace Joe Biden with someone else, according to a new Rasmussen Reports poll.
This is extremely unlikely to happen in the final stages of the election. Democrats are already making plans to nominate Biden and Harris ahead of the party’s convention in August.
It was another reminder of widespread opposition to Biden, even among members of his own party.
Newsmax has details:
Rasmussen poll: Most Democrats want Biden replaced
A majority of Democrats say they favor replacing President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee before the November election, according to a new Rasmussen Reports poll released Tuesday.
The results showed that while 49% of likely voters overall said they would support Democrats abandoning Biden, 54% of Democratic voters said they wanted Biden to step down, with 25% saying they “strongly support” the move. Notably, Republicans surveyed are lowering the average; only 45% of Republican voters surveyed want Biden to be replaced. Meanwhile, 50% of “other” voters (what Rasmussen calls unaffiliated voters) said they wanted to see Biden replaced.
Rasmussen said the number of Democrats supporting replacing Biden has increased by 6 percentage points since the last survey in February.
Young voters are the largest age group who want Biden to be dumped, with 69% of voters aged 18-39 saying they want Biden to be replaced.
However, only 44% of likely voters overall think this will actually happen, including 38% of Democrats. Notably, the survey showed that 52% of Republicans surveyed said it was likely or very likely that Democrats would end their support for Biden.
This is an embarrassment to Biden and his party.
54% of Democrats now support dumping Biden
Nearly half of voters — including a majority of Democrats — think Democrats can replace President Joe Biden with another candidate.
More Rasmussen Reports:
— Rasmussen Report (@Rasmussen_Poll) May 28, 2024
Do you favor Democrats finding another candidate to replace Joe Biden before the November election?
Strongly or somewhat agree—
DEM: 54% (up from 48% in February)
Industrial test: 50%
Republicans: 43%
All voters: 49%— Rasmussen Report (@Rasmussen_Poll) May 28, 2024
Democrats are likely to continue supporting Biden. He certainly won’t stand idly by. Remember, he thinks he’s doing a good job.