Snapchat has previewed its upcoming on-device artificial intelligence model that can alter a user’s surroundings through augmented reality (AR). The new model will finally let creators turn text prompts into custom shots — which could open the door to trying out some wild looks and sending them to friends.
You can see what this looks like in the GIF below, which shows a person’s clothes and background changing in real time based on the prompt “50s Sci-Fi Movie.” Users will reportedly start seeing lenses using this new model in the coming months, while creators can start making lenses using the model by the end of the year TechCrunch.
In addition, Snapchat is launching a new set of artificial intelligence tools to make it easier for creators to create customized augmented reality (AR) effects. Some of the tools available in the latest Lens Studio update include new face effects that allow creators to write cues or upload images to create custom lenses that completely transform a user’s face.
The kit also includes a feature called “immersive machine learning” that enables “real-time transformations of the user’s face, body and surroundings.” Other AI tools in Lens Studio allow lens creators to generate 3D assets based on text or image cues, create masks and textures, and create 3D character heads that mimic user expressions.