In May, you received two Supplemental Security Income checks. This month, you won’t receive any money. We’ll explain to you why you didn’t receive your check in June. (Also, did you know you might get an SSI payment boost later this year?)
SSI benefits are administered by the Social Security Administration and are paid to qualified beneficiaries with limited income and resources and to people who are blind, age 65 or older, or have a qualifying disability. Children who are blind or disabled may also have SSI.
If you just started receiving benefits or plan to apply for SSI soon, we will list all the dates you can expect to receive your funds during the remainder of 2024. and how to apply for Social Security for your children.
When will I receive my SSI funds each month?
You can receive your SSI payment via direct deposit at this time.
- Friday, May 31 (June)
- Monday, July 1
- Thursday, August 1
- Friday, August 30 (September)
- Tuesday, October 1
- Friday, November 1
- Friday, November 29 (December)
Why didn’t I receive my June SSI payment?
The Social Security Administration usually issues SSI checks on the first of each month. There are some exceptions to the payment schedule.
1. If the first day of the month is a holiday.
2. If the first day of the month is a weekend.
Because June 1st falls on a Saturday, June payments are issued a day early. This means your June payment should arrive by Friday, May 31, which also means you won’t receive an additional payment in June.
If I receive other Social Security benefits, will I also receive them early?
Won’t. June payments are coming soon.
June 3: Social Security payments are made to people who received Social Security before May 1997.
June 12: Social Security benefits are provided to people whose birthdays fall between the 1st and 10th of any given month.
June 18: Social Security benefits are provided to people whose birthdays fall between the 11th and 20th of any given month.
June 26: Social Security benefits are paid to people whose birthdays fall between the 21st and 31st of any given month.
Receive other Social Security benefits? This is the Social Security payment schedule and the Social Security Disability Insurance payment schedule. Plus, here’s a Social Security cheat sheet.