To me, the Developer Days showcase hosted by iam8bit was more exciting than the main Summer Games Festival showcase. While it’s fun to get hyped up for a major release, Developer Day represents something more concrete. These featured games have their own mini-spotlights with developer reviews and gameplay footage. It gives viewers a clearer idea of what these games are about, especially compared to the seconds-long (and apparently expensive) sizzle reels or trailers shown during Keigh-3’s keynote. But my only question is, there are a lot of There are so many exciting games that it’s difficult to narrow it down to the 10 best games.
Rock climbing is not my specialty. In fact, it looks scary, and it’s this fear that makes Kane Looks like fun. exist Kane, you have to reach the top of Mount Kailash in one go. You can climb anywhere, but like real mountain climbing, you’ll often be faced with steep walls and impassable overhangs, forcing you to find another way up the mountain. One thing I was immediately drawn to was the way the character’s legs shook as he climbed, giving the game an air of urgency and danger that I wanted to experience for myself.
Karma: Dark World is a disturbing looking game from Pollard Studio. This is a psychological horror game where you must investigate the mysteries of a dystopian reality and uncover the truth behind people’s dirty, dank, slimy minds. looks strange silent Hill Sort of, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that scary hotties looking in the mirror is one of the things that really piques my interest.
Introducing quirky little games is one of my favorite things about developer days. last time was time flies; This time, it is UFO 50. I love the premise of this game – you play 50 games and follow the evolution of a fictional video game developer throughout the 1980s. Each game is complete and unique, and as the decade goes by you’ll be able to see improvements in graphics and technology within the game.
With cats transcending the cute animal video game meta, I’m glad to see a game like this dog This reaffirms the supremacy of man’s best friend. I also like how dog Communicate using music and sounds rather than conversations or words.
Arranger: A mind-bending character adventure
There can’t be a best list without at least one puzzle game. exist Arrangeryou…okay, adaptation As you do this, each row and column moves, allowing the tiles to travel around the world. Shuffle your environment to get the key to a locked door, or use the end of a line to go around to the beginning to get around obstacles. The game reminds me cardanother puzzle game that I love, which is fitting considering one of the game’s developers is working on Arranger.
Image Credit: Crescent Moon Games; Those Damn Games
screen binding It’s the kind of thing that makes you instantly aware of a short film after watching it get it. It’s a platform game where you navigate a 3D space using a 2D gaming handheld device. Defeat enemies in the 3D world that can only be seen on a 2D handheld device, and use objects in the 3D world to solve 2D platforming puzzles.
exist animal diseases, you are a newbie zookeeper responsible for taking care of all the animals. Even the mutated ones—— especially mutated.
It’s impossible to ignore the statement: “This is the dumbest game you’ll see all day.” Build relationships A housing dating sim…I guess. I love the inherent silliness of this game, from the goofy way Tanat Boozayaangool explains puns to the way the house protagonist rolls around like a Katamari.
A little to the left: look at the stars
One of my favorite games from the developer showcase the other day was getting another DLC update, and I was going to be there anyway. a little to the left Get your messy life in order with a series of puzzles designed to appease your inner neat freak. Go for one of the less obvious solutions by simply putting a bunch of cluttered books back on the shelf, or by arranging them in color or alphabetical order.
While waiting is another game that I was immediately drawn to by its premise. This is a game about all the mischief you can do while waiting for something else to happen. If you use your time wisely enough, maybe you can eliminate waiting altogether.