This has happened before and it will happen again. As beloved IPs are scraped for additional content, studios pore over every line of source material for inspiration. In the right hands, every reference or seemingly innocuous statement made by Bryce Dallas Howard May launch next one Jurassic world Trilogy.
Just a few years ago, Ghostbusters: Afterlife In fact, they raided the tomb of Ivo Shandor, the mysterious architect briefly mentioned as having designed Dana’s apartment complex, in search of an opportunity to launch a new series. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Grab a line of text from the beginning Episode 4 and developed his own movies and TV series. Not to mention the recently released A A Quiet Place: Day OneA prequel inspired by Djimon Hounsou’s dialogue A Quiet Place Part 2or the upcoming Beetlejuice Beetlejuice –As evidenced by Monica Bellucci’s jilted bride character, the entire story revolves around a joke from the original film.
Today we’re going to take a look at some really weird, throwaway lines from famous sci-fi movies and franchises that are actually their own stories.
King Kong (1976)
“In 1605, Fernando De Queres was blown south from Tenotang. He wrote about piercing the white veil. This is the Bank of the Clouds. Then he landed on Skeleton Beach, where He heard the roar of the greatest beast… The rest of that log was suppressed by Rome. In 1749, a waterlogged lifeboat was found in the same area. It was empty but had a large, languid one painted on the port. A humanoid object, stained with blood, and this strange warning: “Lady, God bless you from your wedding to a creature that touches heaven. “
Of course, there are a few smaller ones, predatorAs can be seen from the above, but the main takeaway here is that the Vatican has deliberately suppressed knowledge of Skull Island for centuries. Catholicism simply cannot prove the existence of an island populated by uniquely evolved megafauna, and the entire narrative exploring this idea is quite possibly the greatest movie ever made.
With movies about exorcisms and churches still popular, replacing a story about Satan with the ghost of a giant gorilla felt like a slam dunk. dearest Shin Godzilla The politics surrounding the destruction of the Fukushima reactors are explored through the medium of a monster story, so it only felt right that King Kong should try something similar—Namely a religious political thriller. consider the latest omen In the film, it is shot of a temple lined with candles, framed in a way that resembles a human skull. Now, imagine an entire movie using the same idea as Catholic imagery to create an abstract rendering of King Kong next to the Pope.
The Matrix Reloaded
“Every time you hear someone say they saw a ghost or an angel. Every story you hear about vampires or werewolves or aliens is the system assimilating some program that is doing things they shouldn’t be doing.
Although the first matrix The proposed déjà vu experience was just a “glitch” in our simulated reality, and its sequel goes a step further, suggesting that every encounter with the paranormal in recorded history was a system response to illegal activity on the internet. It’s such an exaggerated legend that we won’t relive it (there used to be one hell– Inspired by gang wars in video games) It should lead to the Matrix itself bleeding out in doubt of correcting course. Hints at a family’s generational werewolf curse may have originated from teen downloads Cannibal Holocaust It’s gold on Limewire. Is Trinity the Mothman? Could Bigfoot be the physical embodiment of shared Disney+ passwords? This concept could justify the second matrix trilogy, not to mention this week’s monster police procedural.
RoboCop 2 and 3
“On the international stage, an Amazon nuclear power plant exploded, spreading radiation into the world’s largest rainforest. Environmentalists called it a disaster. But don’t they always?
“From the fiery battlefields of Amazonian warfare emerged the most advanced urban peace…”
As mentioned in RoboCop 2 and elaborated on RoboCop 3The explosion of a South American nuclear facility owned by North American interests sparked a conflict known as the “Amazon Wars.” Although details are unclear, it is understood that an OCP-backed paramilitary force known as the “Rehabilitation Force” was involved.—Cain is the leader and former member of a drug-influenced cult. an episode of Robocop: The Series It was also noted that the OCP developed a plasma cannon for this incident that could be used to disrupt enemy aircraft and armored vehicles.
The Amazon War is a fascinating idea, but we can only rely on our imaginations to determine what happens next. Given that this is set in continuity RoboCopThis brutal, bloody war movie features radioactive sloths and jaguars in an unexplored, irradiated rainforest where flora and fauna are constantly mutating. A bit like annihilation meet El Salvador. Add to that corporate-sponsored American mercenaries in foreign countries where they have no business, and you have a license to print money in any global currency.
Rolling ball (1975)
“You know how the game served us. It had a clear social purpose. Countries went bankrupt and disappeared. There are no more tribal wars. Even corporate wars are a thing of the past.
Similarly, a post-apocalyptic world Rolling ball It is said to be set a few years after the world’s largest companies decided to take up arms with each other. Obviously, the winner is the titular “Rolling Ball”—A lucrative game that violently distracts a population ruled by a few powerful masters, A solemn “Company Anthem” is played before every game. Of course, we’d love to see a movie in which Johnson & Johnson forms an unsettling alliance with GE to wreak havoc on Nestlé’s infantry. Quoting Ned Batty network“There is no America. There is no democracy. Just IBM, ITT, AT&T, DuPont, Dow Chemical, Union Carbide, and Exxon Mobil. Those are the countries of the world today! Our only concern is that it might be a little too preachy.”
After 28 weeks
“Why doesn’t she have any symptoms?”
“I have no idea.
“A genetic abnormality that functions as a form of natural immunity.”
“But the virus is still present in her blood and saliva, so…technically she’s not immune.”
“She’s a carrier.”
in the sequel 28 days later-and the upcoming prequel 28 years later—It is speculated that a mother and daughter with heterochromatic eyes (one green, one brown) are somehow immune to the effects of the zombie “anger virus”. Exactly how melanin distribution can protect against viruses remains entirely speculative and awaits peer review, but let’s consider what this finding means: Many celebrities, including but not limited to Dan Aykroyd, Jane Seymour, Simon Pegg, Henry Cavill, Christopher Walken, Kiefer Sutherland and riverdanceMichael Flatley will be the successor to Earth.
Forgetting for a moment that someone was bound to notice that one or more of these people didn’t turn into angry zombies early on in the pandemic, it’s easy to imagine their stocks rising exponentially among the few who managed to hang on in this post-apocalyptic world . The color of their eyes will eventually be noticed, but maybe not at first. Word will spread. Every survivor discusses celebrity sightings——”I saw Kate Bosworth got bitten but she was fine! Conspiracies, religions and potential territories ensue. An estimated 6 out of every 10,000 people have the same mutation. If a vaccine could indeed be developed from their blood, there are quite a few candidates on the record. However, someone had to notice this common trait before becoming famous—Does this happen when they are them, you are you…and everyone else is dead?
We leave it to you, readers. Is there a funny, weird, or irrelevant line from a movie, book, or TV show that you can’t quite forget? Let us know your sequel ideas in the comments.
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