live action Transformers Movies aren’t really your “favorite”. Despite making a lot of money, most of them weren’t particularly well received, and fans of the original weren’t too fond of them. They occupy a strange space in Hollywood, where the original five films actively didn’t care one way or another dislike. This is a franchise that’s been doing its own thing for a whole decade, and if you don’t get along with them, they basically say that’s your thing and go on with theirs.
On the one hand, there’s something to be said for a blockbuster franchise that doesn’t care what people think. On the other hand, lack of care will lead to your end Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, This may be the most confusing, craziest sequel of the modern era of cinema. Originally released on June 24, 2009, it always felt like it was marching to the beat of its own drum, except that it was separate from the rest of the band and a complete block away without even realizing it . The end result can’t help but be mesmerizing, as you can clearly see how everything becomes so incredibly entangled.
revenge was pre-visualized and written before being written and directed in the mid-2000s strike, and it shows, as it only really settles down during its action scenes. Whenever there’s not a fight or a chase happening…well, even with the curve applied to the series, it’s an odd situation. original Transformers has its tone shifts and digressions, but revenge There are more, and the editing is more consistent. From Transformers babies to Decepticons disguised as sexually aggressive college girls everything Related to “Skids” and “Mudflap,” the film borders on ruthless in what it delivers on screen. This feeling can be used to great effect, especially in the hands of Michael Bay – go check it out ambulance To give you an example – there are moments like this. But too often, all the sound and fury clashes with one another, so it’s not entirely surprising that 15 years later it’s still the worst in a truly unbalanced franchise.

After 2011, Bey tried to leave the team When the moon is dark, But the call from China’s box office proved too hard to resist, and he returned to the helm Transformers: Age of Extinction. The film was released on June 27, 2014, and is a soft reboot of the series, with Optimus Prime and Bumblebee being the only returning cast members, and Mark Wahlberg as their human sidekick, the CIA hunting down all remaining Transformers , regardless of their loyalty. Oh, and dinosaur robot They exist because they are robotic dinosaurs that can breathe fire and stomp on anything in their path, making the action scenes lively.
Somehow, extinct Bay is probably the most sane person he’s been watching these movies since the first one. Some of this may be attributed to its setting; likewise, the film takes Lockdown, the main CIA bad guy and Transformers bounty hunter responsible for capturing Optimus Prime, more seriously. He looks great and he has a killer music theme Behind him, his demeanor was completely different from the others. Just when you thought the series had it out of control, it veers into science fantasy by introducing the creator of the Transformers and turning Optimus Prime into a knight. I can’t make a phone call era of extinction It’s a perfect version in its own right, but it’s probably the only sequel in the series that doesn’t get tethered or twisted into something else by forces outside of its control.
What’s even more interesting is that this and battle of revenge have something to say Transformers The key figures behind films and cameras. first Transformers The movie was no fluke revenge shows that the summer movie season is destined to be filled with big, often action-oriented IP tentpoles for millions to watch. The film follows Bay’s life, represented by Sam Witwicky, who rejoined the Transformers after only a few days in college. This goal is furthered by Paramount’s summer slate, which also includes StarCraft and “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra”. A look back at the studio’s summer film output from 2009 to the present: With a few exceptions, if not Transformers Movies, studios include Marvel, Star Trek, or mission Impossible Fill summer vacancies. (In some cases, there are two or three on that list!)
For the same reason, era of extinction There’s a subplot about a tech giant trying to use the bodies of Transformers killed by the CIA to get Transformers into the hands of the military. Stanley Tucci’s character does tell the Autobots that they are no longer needed – this also applies to Bay, who still has producer credit Latest film since stepping down as director in 2017 the last knight. finally, era of extinction Think no, these movies still need Bay, even if it’s just to make things really good. (Yes, he made things really good.) The 17-year-old franchise spans seven movies, and only three directors have touched upon the series, with directors Travis Knight and Stephen Caple Jr. still Bay’s rules must be followed which he didn’t actually intend to set.

The relationship between the filmmakers and these films is charming, Largely due to his dogged determination not to care about the Transformers. It can be said that he does not need: moon and extinct Each made over $1 billion, and the continued existence of these properties can be attributed to him. 2018 bumblebee and last year’s beast rises A new continuity was established and it did well enough at the box office, but they weren’t quite out of Bay’s shadow yet. bumblebee Might be a reboot, but it owes a lot to that 2007 movie, and beast rises Some Gulf energy was borrowed but not fully exploited. No matter what you think of this guy, this guy brings something to the proceedings that makes them inherently worth watching, even if they actively attack or annoy you.
May I Transformers Movie Escape from Michael Bay? It’s unclear, though Paramount and Hasbro will certainly continue to try, with or without special forces Got thrown into the mix somewhere. What’s even clearer is that his films have real staying power, and in their best moments, they remind you why they were so popular at the time. At worst… well, at least things blow up and you can hear a cool Linkin Park song in the end credits.
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