His Eminence Carlo Maria Vigano, Archbishop of Ulpiana, has been summoned to Rome by Vatican officials to face an extrajudicial hearing tomorrow, in what is effectively a trial, on charges of schism against Pope Francis . The charges are serious: the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith accuses the archbishop of denying the legitimacy of Pope Francis, breaking communion with the current ecclesiastical church, and refusing to convene the Second Vatican Council. and the sacraments were modernized (changes that critics considered irrevocable), and an almost entirely new church was built.
For his part, the archbishop denies being a separatist. In his view, the Church over which Pope Francis presides represents the culmination of decades of errors that have their roots in the Second Vatican Council. In a recent letter, he likened the history of the church over the past six decades to that of a cancer patient. Archbishop Vigano believes that Pope Francis is the “inevitable metastasis” of the “ideological, theological, moral and liturgical cancer” of the Vatican II reforms.
In this respect, Archbishop Vigano found himself in a similar position to that of another great clergyman, French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (1905-1991), who had been similarly accused some fifty years earlier Split.
“His defense is mine,” the archbishop wrote in an open letter Lord, arise. “[A]His word is my word; his arguments are my arguments – and before these arguments the Roman authorities could not condemn him as a heretic, but had to wait for his consecration as a bishop in order to have an excuse to declare him a schism and then revoke it after his death His excommunication.
Archbishop Vigano described his spiritual predecessor, Archbishop Lefebvre, as a “voice of prophecy.” He made no secret of his fierce criticism of the current pope: “Bergolio is to the Church what other world leaders are to their countries: a traitor, a subversive and the ultimate liquidator of traditional society who are sure they can get away with it .
Just as many Americans view Biden as an illegitimate occupant of the Oval Office, Archbishop Vigano appears to view Francis as an illegitimate occupant of the Seat of St. Peter. However, the similarities don’t end there. Archbishop Vigano accused the current pope of evil heresy and quoted a passage from the Bible that reads: “False prophets, they come to you in the garments of lambs, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves (Matthew 7: 15)”.
His stinging indictment of Francis amounts to the harshest criticism of the pope by a cleric of Archbishop Vigano’s rank and respected. “I deny, reject and condemn the scandals, errors and heresies of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who displayed an absolutely despotic administration of power, exercised against the purpose of legitimizing the authority of the Church: a authority that takes the place of the authority of Christ and must therefore be obeyed only by him,” the archbishop wrote.
His feelings about the Church over which Francis presides are very clear: “No Catholic worthy of the name can be in communion with this ‘Bergolian Church’, which behaves in the same way as all the popes in history and all the present popes do.” A clear discontinuity and rupture.
For those unfamiliar with Archbishop Vigano, these are not just the rants of a madman with a personal vendetta. They should be taken seriously, not least because of his stellar reputation and devotion to the Church and its teachings over more than half a century. He is a respected figure in the church. The equivalent of an elder statesman, he served dutifully as the Holy See’s nuncio to the United States from 2011 to 2016 and was universally respected. During this period, even his fellow church leaders, who in many ways held a great esteem for the Archbishop’s work and who in many ways became a model in the Christian Crusade Soldier.
The praise he received from Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin was just one example. Parolin holds one of the most powerful positions in the Holy See under Francis. While he expressed regret for the archbishop’s critical attitude towards Francis, Parolin said: “I have always admired him as a great worker, very loyal to the Holy See and in a sense a role model.” He did a great job as Apostolic Nuncio.
Archbishop Vigano may never be a fan of Francis, whom he sees as the embodiment of modernism, liberalism and globalism — all scourges that have weakened the Church over the past fifty years. But relations between the archbishop and the pope did sour in 2018, after the archbishop accused the Vatican of covering up the heinous sex crimes of American Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Gram was largely dismissed from the priesthood. Human abuse.
McCarrick is an extremely powerful figure in the American church (and a power broker within Washington political circles) and the greater church at large, and is an ally and “trusted advisor” to Francis (in the words of Archbishop Vega The archbishop accused Francis of “knowing that McCarrick was a serial predator since at least June 23, 2013.” Knowing he was a corrupt man, he covered for him to the end. However, McCarrick was not granted laity status until 2019, six years after Francis became pontiff.
This is how the feud between the two began. Following the indictment, Archbishop Vigano called the administrative proceedings a “show trial,” a familiar phrase to Americans as they find their justice systems weaponized against President Trump and his supporters. In using this quote, Archbishop Vigano implicitly compared his situation to that of President Trump and anyone else who might be on the receiving end of a rigged and weaponized justice system.
As a long-time U.S. diplomat, Archbishop Vigano is acutely aware of what is happening in the United States. In fact, back in 2020, at the height of the country’s divisions over the George Floyd riots, Archbishop Vigano appealed directly to President Trump in a touching letter, which the president posted on his social media This is acknowledged directly on the page.
In that letter, Archbishop Vigano described our ongoing political struggle as symptomatic of a deeper spiritual struggle taking place throughout the Western world—where the battle lines between good and evil are clearer than ever:
Mr. President, in society these two opposing realities coexist as eternal enemies, just as God and Satan are eternal enemies. It seems that the Son of Darkness──we can easily identify with deep state You wisely object They have been waging a fierce war with you these days – and have now decided, so to speak, to lay their cards on the table and reveal their plans.
The good Archbishop then explained how the divisions observed in the world of secular politics are similar to deeper divisions in the spiritual world:
Although this may seem disturbing, the opposing camps I have described exist within religious circles as well. There were faithful shepherds who cared for Christ’s sheep, but there were also profit-seeking pagans who sought to scatter the sheep and leave them to hungry wolves to eat. Not surprisingly, these mercenaries are allies of the Sons of Darkness and hate the Sons of Light: just as there is a Deep State, there is also a Deep Church that has betrayed its duty and its due commitments before God. Thus good rulers fight against the invisible enemy in public affairs, and good shepherds fight against it in the ecclesiastical sphere. It’s a mental battleI talked about this in my latest appeal published on May 8th.
Archbishop Vigano ends his stirring letter with an unabashed criticism of the modern Church and the values embodied by Pope Francis. new order of the times, or the “New World Order,” which espouses liberalism, globalism, moral relativism, and various heresies—all designed, in his words, “to deceive many souls and prevent any resistance to the establishment of a world kingdom.” Antichrist”:
they obey Deep State, Globalism, Unified Thought, New World Order They invoke this with increasing frequency in the name of universal brotherhood, which has nothing to do with Christianity, but evokes the Freemasonry of those who want to rule the world by driving God out of courts, schools, homes and world domination. would be ideal.
Archbishop Vigano’s words have been confirmed over time and become more and more true day by day. Especially now, as the leading candidate to be America’s next president—the deep state’s greatest enemy—faces unprecedented witch-hunting by political opponents who have penetrated every corridor of power throughout society. The “deep state” we are familiar with in the United States is similar to what the archbishop described as the “deep church,” and Francis compared its legitimacy (or lack thereof) to Biden’s.
The strategy employed by globalists is naturally universal: place their spokesmen above the divine will of the people and impose their evil agenda on an unwilling people. It is therefore not surprising that a man like Archbishop Vigano is subject to illegal proceedings in Rome, accused of merely defending the teachings of the Holy Church and exposing serious crimes and corruption that were not committed (or at least contributed to) by others .
In a previous era, St. Thomas More was persecuted for doing the same thing. But his trial was overseen by a power-hungry king who broke away from the Roman Church and sought to profane the sacrament of marriage to satisfy his worldly desires and overstep God’s will for mankind. Now, the roles have been dramatically reversed: the man who tramples the teachings of the Church with impunity is the man who claims the pastoral mantle of Jesus Christ on earth—the Pope, who has turned the sword against one of his own—the one who represents the divine. Mother Church and her teachings, and truth – with stern justice.
A few years after the Second Vatican Council, Paul VI declared that “the smoke of Satan has entered the Church of God.” Now the smoke has turned into a raging fire that threatens to destroy the entire church. It may ultimately take a martyr like Archbishop Vigano to awaken the stewards of that mighty barque, who have abandoned their sacred duties to God and man to follow the footsteps of Christ most closely, making themselves human. He fell asleep in front of him. So that the world can wake up to the wrong waters in which the Church is drifting so dangerously—and so that its true followers can be saved.