Last year, WhatsApp finally added the option to share photos (and later videos) in HD quality. Unfortunately, this feature has one big limitation: you have to remember to select it every time you upload a photo, otherwise it will be uploaded at standard SD resolution.
Now, as spotted by Android Police , WhatsApp has added the option to share images and videos in HD quality by default.
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This new feature is currently rolling out in the latest WhatsApp beta and should be available in the app’s Settings under “Storage & Data”. If you wish, you can click on “Media Upload Quality” to select HD quality. .
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If you do choose the HD quality option, WhatsApp will warn you that photos and videos will be sent slower and may be up to six times larger (which can be expensive if you send media over a mobile data connection). But if you do care about image quality, you may be willing to accept these limitations.
Also, it should be noted that this only works for media uploads, not status updates.
This is still a beta option, and there’s no word on when (or if) it will be officially released, but given that several people have reported seeing it in beta, it may be officially available to everyone soon.