I love quirky DIY projects. Whether it’s a homemade Star Wars lightsaber or a pair of custom headphones the size of a watermelon, I love them all. YouTuber Engineezy seems to share my love of the ridiculous and whimsical. The mechanical engineer’s past projects include a spray-painting robot, a mechanical sculpture and a wild 3D-printed candy dispenser. For his latest project, Engineerezy focuses on a childhood pastime: blowing bubbles.
The goal is to create the elusive endless bubble. This requires a car with a giant custom-made bubble device and lots of bubble solution. In the video, Engineerezy even outlines his recipe for making his own bubble art in the comfort of his backyard.
He created and tested multiple devices to help him achieve his goals before settling on a design. It consists of two half-rings that open and close via a remote control, two powerful motors, and a four-foot-long metal drill. Next, he attached it to a metal fixture and a vat of homemade bubble solution. He disassembled and reassembled the unit multiple times, replacing parts and motors before finalizing the design for installation on the car.
The final installation replicates the design used to create the bubble art. Controlled using a simple Sony DualShock PlayStation controller, Engineezy creates some impressive bubbles. Are they infinite? Sadly no. However, at least in my mind, this experiment was successful, and it is something I really want to see with my own eyes.